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NiD.Com meetup
Posted 13 March 2008 - 06:29 PM
Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:41 PM
But...... If anyone wants to suggest meeting at Mall of America, I can do that! *shuts up before reavealing anymore personal info*
Posted 14 March 2008 - 02:35 PM
Basically, it's best to keep things realistic.
Posted 14 March 2008 - 03:38 PM
Basically, it's best to keep things realistic.
Just to prove how unrealistic that is... let's see how much it would cost for one (1) person from Sweden to travel to London and stay for two days. I am basing this on the cheapest flights and accomodation I can find, assuming you actually have to fly and can't live with a friend.
Please keep this in mind! This is the cheapest I could find. It's not nearly as expensive to travel from Stockholm to London as it would be from the States. Also, this is only based on travel, one nights stay and food during that stay. Any other activities has not been added to the final cost.
General information
Distance Stockholm-London: About 1,893 km or 1176 miles. (info from GoogleMaps)
Time spent: 2 days, 1 night.
Time of travel: May. Not the busiest season, but still during early summer like TRiPPY stated.
Flight information
Departure: May 1st, 6 PM from Arlanda, Sweden.
Airline: Sterling.
Flight number: 737
Class: Economy.
Arrival: May 1st, 7:45 PM at Gatwick Airport London.
Departure: May 2nd, 9.20 AM from Gatwick Airport London.
Airline: Sterling.
Flight number: 736
Class: Economy.
Arrival: May 2nd, 12.50 PM at Arlanda Sweden.
Cost: 1212 SEK or 196,05 USD or 96,45 GBP (information Forex)
(Information from Mr Jet. )
Hotel information
Hotel: Piccadilly Backpackers, 12 Sherwood Street, Piccadilly Circus.
Rating: One star, economy class.
Additional information: "The rooms are very basic and made of up of 'bunk' style bedding. Clients will be allocated a "bed" in shared dormitories with up to 8 people so they will have to share their rooms with other travellers. Rooms do not have private facilities but there are plenty of toilets and hot showers located on each floor. All bedrooms are non-smoking. There is no restaurant but there are public 'self-catering' facilities available including microwaves, toasters and kettles."
(Information from Mr Jet.)
Price: 228 SEK or 36,88 USD or 18,14 GBP
Additional Costs
Travel to and from the airport in London: Appr. 200 SEK or 32 USD or 16 GBP in total.
Food for one day: 100 SEK or 16.18 USD or 8 GBP
I decided not to add costs like travelling in London (you can always walk) souvernirs etc. since they are not necessary expenses.
Final cost: 1740 SEK or 282 USD or 138 GBP.
Cost for the entire forum: Single price x 900 = 1 566 000 SEK or 253 800 USD or 124 200 GBP.
That would require a fundraiser on the same scale as the ones they televise Nation wide over here, and those are for breastcancer or starving children.
Can we please leave the entire idea about everyone meeting up in the same place now?
Posted 14 March 2008 - 04:42 PM
Posted 14 March 2008 - 08:30 PM
Posted 15 March 2008 - 04:17 AM
Posted 21 March 2008 - 02:59 PM
Oh, you know what else we can do at the international one? We could have some of the musicians on group up and perform different songs from NiGHTS! At the end of the show, we'll close with Dreams Dreams. Of course, we can probably have everyone sing along. I'm betting no one on this site can honestly say they have never sang along to Dreams Dreams.
Posted 22 March 2008 - 12:25 AM
Posted 22 March 2008 - 01:08 AM
*giggles* party in Soft museum, anyone?
What IS this Soft Museum, anyway?
As has been stated before, the volume of money that would require would be ludicrous, and the cause does not justify the amount needed, even if this was done individually. If you can save up the money yourself and want to spend it on a trip to Scotland, feel free to if you really want to provided it doesn't put you financially in the red. Otherwise, we're all stuck going somewhere more local.
"Local" could be anything.
Posted 22 March 2008 - 02:14 AM
Posted 22 March 2008 - 03:31 AM
Posted 22 March 2008 - 06:44 AM
Very possible we could do an online "get-together" through some means (i.e. Skype, etc.).
Posted 22 March 2008 - 12:04 PM
I'm not saying it's impossible, it'd just be very very difficult to get everyone online at the same time. School, work, sleep, no available internet... it'd take some serious planning to get those obstacles out of the way. : /
Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:23 PM
no need to lose our tempers, Nyclone.. Its just the truth. I know it sometimes isn't pleasant to think of the actual details, but its better than mucking up an entire topic- which could very well be made plausible with separate groups in different places and countries- with daydreaming of the big mansion on the top of this really cool mountain we're all gonna meet up and party with muses.
Often when meets are organized, they have different ones in different places on different dates. Doesn't necessarily mean everyone needs to get to each one, its just more convenient for people in certain areas to get to. It sucks that not everyone would be able to get together, but its certainly better than nothing.
However I still don't think anyone should get overly excited, everyone keep the facts in mind.
Posted 23 March 2008 - 09:53 AM
One of Claris' levels in NiGHTS into Dreams.What IS this Soft Museum, anyway?
I totally forgot about that. It'd be one thing if the time zones had been pretty close... but we have members in three or four different continents. No matter what time you choose it'll either be the middle of the night or during work/school for at least one person The Skype idea wasn't too bad though - maybe an alternative for those in the same time zone who can't got to a meeting?I'm going to be the partykiller again and point out another problem with an international meet-up, even if it's just via Skype or similar:
Posted 23 March 2008 - 11:55 PM
You just made me think of a moonbounce resembling the Soft Museum, which would be not out of place in a SEGA Theme Park, or Gameworld..*giggles* party in Soft museum, anyone?
And to anyone here who has not yet had the opportunity to actually play through the Soft Museum.. you have my sympathies.
Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:31 PM
Posted 25 March 2008 - 08:03 PM
I agree with this so much. THIS is really doable~
Posted 25 March 2008 - 09:01 PM
Yeah, thats what I meant, I agree also. XD *Is dumb*
Posted 25 March 2008 - 09:46 PM
But seriously, you have to think about some things here. Some of us still live at home. Still in school. We don't have the money for any plane tickets, and half of us probably can't even drive. I know damn well MY father isn't driving me anywhere. Not if he doesn't know why. And I can't miss another day of school, I'll automatically fail for the year.
Not only that, but we wouldn't recognize each other. We've only ever met over a computer screen. Who knows what can happen between the lines that we don't know about? Oh, yes, I'm sure that some people have met, and know each other, but for the most part, we have no idea who we're talking to. Would we have nametags on? Who would be willing to go out and buy 900+ nametags?
All in all, a meeting of the minds isn't a very good idea, really. We're scattered throughout the world. I myself live in the northeastern US, but I've seen Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, all around the US, Canada, and even France, Germany, and other places on this site and others that would make it impossible to gather in one place. I can imagine that some of us can't even speak English well (no offense to anyone, I swear, I'm only stating a fact) and therefore communicating would be difficult.
It's a nice dream, but it would almost impossible to achieve.
Even if we got together in little groups for travel purposes, the time zone differences would make communicating with the other groups difficult. I can barely chat with Unlimited NiGHTS properly because he lives an hour behind me.
Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:13 PM
Hence Go Dreamer's idea. While I agree this would be difficult to arrange, there are some plausible ideas. Time zone issues would have to be taken into account also, for Go Dreamers idea of small group gatherings: Not everybody has to go fantard nuts and run themselves into another state or timezone or even country when they're still living with their parents and/or going to school. They can gather in their own state IF it is possible for them.-ALL THAT STUFF-
Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:32 PM
Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:34 PM
Posted 26 March 2008 - 01:33 AM
Posted 26 March 2008 - 01:01 PM
Posted 26 March 2008 - 01:14 PM
She does?? I didn't even notice! lol!Go Dreamer's a lucky ducky, living in Florida. XDDD
*Shoves topic back on track*
Posted 26 March 2008 - 02:11 PM
Go Dreamer's a lucky ducky, living in Florida. XDDD
<.<;... >.>;....Oh no I've been discovered!!! *hides*
^^; Smaller groups would be great cause for those of us who are shy, it won't be too scary being around a smaller number of people! ^.^ And like TRiPPY said, it can be in the summer so school wouldn't be an issue! And if it's South Florida then I can take a bus or train! ^_^
Posted 26 March 2008 - 08:26 PM
Posted 26 March 2008 - 09:44 PM
His mother is actually allergic to herself, from what I've been told....
Anyway! </rant>
*pessimism comes through* I just don't think it's a good idea.
Here's an idea, though! If we all got webcams, and there was a big convention hall somewhere filled with video screens, little ones though so a lot will fit, arrainged in sort of a funky oval-shape, all the video screens would activate and it would be like we were all in there! Except we'd be floating heads! *Ta-Da pose* *fanfare plays*
Posted 27 March 2008 - 09:21 PM
Posted 27 March 2008 - 09:57 PM
But like I keep saying, don't lose sight of the fact that is more likely not to happen than to happen.
Posted 27 March 2008 - 10:39 PM
Posted 28 March 2008 - 05:21 PM
Small area groups should be arranged so that travel isnt a huge issue.. also I think it should be an event where you pay for your own expenses like food and accomodation (if needed). It doesnt have to be really elaborate or anything just a meeting of minds, I'm sure we could make some fun! Also cosplay could be optional or you could show off your NiGHTS creations or even sell.. and cupcakes ok I've got a bit too enthusiastic! But it is possible!
Posted 03 April 2008 - 08:37 PM
We could make plans at some point and like, have a Picnic in the Commons, or go on a Duck Tour or something like that XD
But like Serisouly Pm me if you want to organize something.
Posted 03 April 2008 - 08:57 PM
Anyway! I've got some semblance of an idea. We'll post flyers in all places. Anyone who sees the flyer will be amazed at the wonders it holds. Hopefully, someone very rich will see the flyer and offer to transport us all.
I know, that idea sucked, but I'm down with the flu, man. My last brain cell finally died this morning.
Posted 06 April 2008 - 05:45 AM
Posted 19 April 2008 - 02:29 PM
Where ever it may be, I hope it's close. My parents said they would come with me if the event's close, so that they could meet these "invisible" people I talk to. They don't think anyone in this community exists.
Posted 20 April 2008 - 03:28 AM
Lots of pie.
Om nom.
Posted 20 April 2008 - 05:58 AM
You should all come to my house, and bring pie.
Lots of pie.
Om nom.
Apple pie sound good? xD
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