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Community Status Updates
Level 99
Oh god what is this a status updater of some sort HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS BOX LET ME OUT LET M-
Jul 07 2011 05:29 PM
Level 99 → Veranai
I saw you peeking at my profile, and also saw you had no comments on your profile, so I figured I'd leave a mark here! HELLO!
Jan 22 2011 03:00 AM
Level 99 → Jof
I think you should grow a beard. Then you can be a part of the Manly Gentlemenly Bearded Club. I am the chairman.
Jun 29 2010 06:00 PM
andersam → Level 99
*spills her lemonade* GET OUTTA MY YARD YOU CRAZY KIDS
Jun 12 2010 04:51 PM
*spills her lemonade* GET OUTTA MY YARD YOU CRAZY KIDS
andersam → Level 99
Indeed... He was taken from us far too soon...
Mar 07 2010 06:28 PM
TORiAS_the_fallen → Level 99
^^ I think you're liberal interpretation is a good thing. If the tracks were too much like the original it would get boring.
Jan 08 2010 04:27 PM