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Level 99 → TORiAS_the_fallen
Aww thank you SO much! That track is quite old now but I appreciate the kind words about it. It's a liberal take on the theme to say the least ^_^
Jan 07 2010 04:17 AM
Level 99 → Noctourne Wonderland
Well thank you, my friend! I've had that shirt for so long. I didn't fit into it when I bought it, though, had to lose some weight to give marvin proper representation!
Jan 07 2010 04:16 AM
TORiAS_the_fallen → Level 99
Ah, I meant to tell you how much I loved your track on the FFIV album. I'm smitten with that game... the guitar work... stuns me (sorry, my spelling skills are lacking today).
Jan 05 2010 08:36 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Level 99
You win at life for having a Marvin the Martian shirt. :)
Jan 04 2010 02:20 AM
Level 99 → infractus
yes, I will be at anime detour, come hell or high water! I need to get away from MD, and on top of that it's a great excuse to meet cool people and just be a nerd. you're going too, right?
Dec 20 2009 10:46 PM
infractus → Level 99
haha! actually, having a karaoke version might be fun to mess around with. maybe i sing better than i think i do... >.> ..also, i hear you're going to anime detour??
Dec 19 2009 12:40 AM
Level 99 → viperxmns
I used your hanukkah NiGHTS-thingy in some holiday cards of mine. I just wanted to thank you personally for it. :)
Dec 17 2009 08:24 PM
Level 99 → infractus
I just wanted you all to know, that because of your admitting to singing Hey Dreamer in the car, that I am now semi-obligated to give you karaoke versions to sing along with. All your fault :P
Dec 17 2009 06:19 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Level 99
That would be cool. I'm working on leveling up my HUmar to 40 before I go take on Dark Shrine.
Dec 17 2009 05:10 PM