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Community Status Updates
Level 99 → Musashi_HUmar
Hey dude, sorry about being busy, but soon we really do have to play PSZero.
Dec 17 2009 05:06 PM
Level 99 → Saifer Dracondrali
Thanks! ^_^ I'm always coming out with new stuff.
Dec 12 2009 12:47 PM
Saifer Dracondrali → Level 99
Wonderful peices of work!
I'm going to need to delete stuff to make room for these songs on my psp... let me know when your going to make more.
Dec 11 2009 04:53 AM
I'm going to need to delete stuff to make room for these songs on my psp... let me know when your going to make more.
Level 99 → Saifer Dracondrali
If you're looking for more of my stuff, feel free to click my sig animation. That'll take you to my tindeck, which has most of my public stuff to date. Reminds me that I need to update it, lol.
Dec 10 2009 03:37 AM
SmashQueen → Level 99
All right, all right. ^^ I love the EP, I just didn't want to associate it with feeling like I did. Not sure how, but a few posts and a reading of a fanfic chapter later, and I'm feeling good again. O_o I have to figure out how that happened (I've never gotten that happy that fast). Thanks for the punt. :P For now... *blasts EP again*
Dec 05 2009 11:13 PM
Level 99 → SmashQueen
You best cheer up, even if the EP doesn't help! *punt* NOW BE HAPPY :P
Dec 05 2009 07:08 PM
Level 99 → MidgitLD
Consider the Winter Dreamers EP as also an early birthday present to you. HAPPY EARLY BURFDAY!
Dec 04 2009 02:18 PM
Level 99 → Zero-Shift
Ah, only a few months more and we can finally hang out and nerd it up at AD2010. What's first on the to-do list once I get into town? :P
Nov 30 2009 07:15 PM
SurREAL → Level 99
Level 99, thank you for welcoming me into the forums. And I just gotta say, I absolutely love your animated NiGHTS into Dreams signature! :)
Nov 27 2009 10:57 PM
Level 99 → SurREAL
Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a good time discussing...wait, seeing your profile...discussing "Sugar-plum"?! D: Have fun!
Nov 25 2009 02:37 AM
SmashQueen → Level 99
What can I say? The campaign has really kicked off my inspiration. ^^
Nov 24 2009 04:00 AM
Level 99 → SmashQueen
Duuuude, you're like, all musical lately. That's AWESOME.
Nov 24 2009 03:04 AM
LĂ©lis → Level 99
Yeah, I have. I am going to do this, and more 8D I have some evil plans for this campaign >D
Nov 23 2009 11:47 PM