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Would NiGHTS Into Dreams Work On The 3DS?


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Thread examining whether NiGHTS into Dreams would work on the 3DS.

I published an article on my website earlier today laying out what I think : http://3dsblessed.com/?p=1424 (please check it out if you get a chance). I basically say that NiGHTS would be awesome on the 3DS, although I'd be a little concerned about the console's analogue stick....

Your thoughts?



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I would totally want to see NiD on the 3DS :) (even though I don't have one)



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I wouldn't sweat the little analog nub too much. It does feel delicate but I don't think it's that weak. Thumb cramping on the other hand? I imagine there'd be a lot of that. Still, it's NiGHTS on the friggin 3DS! Ain't no problems with that.




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While I'm sure seeing twinkle dust and paraloops in 3D would be absolutely stunning, I don't think NiGHTS into Dreams... on 3DS would be the greatest idea ever. Though it'd be an upgrade from the Saturn version, it'd be a bit of a downgrade from the HD remake released on PS3, 360, and PC. I personally would love to see the HD remake appear on Wii U one day. Seeing NiGHTS being available to the new generation on all platforms for all the new dreamers to experience would be amazing. While the NiD 15 campaign was so totally incredible and everyone involved achieved so much out of it, it feels like the lack of a Nintendo HD version has been the missing piece to this perfect masterpiece of a recreation of NiGHTS. I'm not against it coming to 3DS, though I would pick Wii U to house the port over 3DS any day. I feel it'd be appreciated much more if it was able to be displayed in all its glory on a home console, just as it's always been.




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I would love to see Nights on 3DS. The 3DS controller would be great for paraloops. Although it seems unlikely, in an ideal world I would like to see a faithful remake of the Saturn version with an extra set of 8 new levels tacked on as a bonus.


Although the big wigs probably won't think it would be commercially viable, I reckon if done well it would sell loads. Nights has got a lot of love in the gaming press and the quick pace gameplay would appeal to handheld users, as you rightly point out.




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The D-pad would be great for controlling him, what with the smooth amount of movement, and the titular 3D would be great for all the acrobatics and flying. It would just be a matter of getting SAGA to notice and to see that the market is there for a third game. When the forums kinda went sour for JoD, I wonder if it sent the wrong message? Then again, we did just get that DLC for Lost World a little while ago, so they know we're out there. If they knew 100% that gamers today would be interested in such a game, which to these kids would be a brand-new property, not one that has been around for 16+ years, I think they would make a new game. It would ride a lot on marketing. No dubsteps or lens flares like CoD, heavens no; just what drew us all in those many years ago: the whimsy and adventure of dreams. If it worked then, and if not a lot has changed, hopefully, it can work once again for this generation of gamers.

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if it comes to 3ds.....I'm sold!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 3DS, NiD

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