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Member Since 18 Oct 2013Offline Last Active Feb 26 2015 05:34 AM
About Me
I'm a sarcastic 19-year-old dreamer from Canada with a jones for imagination and creativity. I love writing (a book at the moment) and, if all goes well in the next few months, will be breaking into electronic music production. I joined the NiGHTS fandom very late in the game, around 2011, but I've done my best to make up for lost time and memories. I felt warmly welcomed, especially on Tumblr, where I integrated myself to some degree into the fandom there. Here in Canada, we get to Take the Snow Train to and from places, since everything is covered in snow and ice five or six months of the year. I do my best to keep busy with music and school, but chilling in my sleep is one of my favorite things to do. Hope to see you all in the dream world!
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 13
- Profile Views 6246
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday January 12, 1996
Peace River, Alberta, Canada
Music, Reading, Writing, Dreaming, Tumblring
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