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#91485 Any Musicians in the House?

Posted by Rave on 26 June 2010 - 04:46 AM in Community Corner

((It's Silvia Callisto again...))

I'm learning how to play the dunbek. And I'm bass drum for gypsy musicians at my local renaissance faire.

#91484 Your first computergame music memory

Posted by Rave on 26 June 2010 - 04:43 AM in Community Corner

Computer game?

Alright, I got a tie for this one, because I'm not sure which was first: the menu theme for Baldur's Gate or the infamous theme of Tristram from Diablo.

...No, really.

As for the first video-game music memory I've got? Chemical Plant Zone, only because Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was the first video game I ever played and I kept on (and still keep on) dying there!

#91483 Regular Dreaming...?

Posted by Rave on 26 June 2010 - 04:34 AM in Dream Discussion

Except for point 2, that's precisely the problem I have. I suggest melatonin as a start, though even at 40 mg it didn't work for me. I take 25 mg of trazydone (and I know I misspelled that...) to get to sleep now, and although it doesn't kick in until three hours later, it gets me to REM sleep.

#91284 Regular Dreaming...?

Posted by Rave on 21 June 2010 - 05:34 AM in Dream Discussion

*shocks everyone because the rarely-seen, rarely-known lurker posted a TOPIC*

This is probably a bit of an odd question - frell, I think something like this has already been posted but I'm just too lazy to look back through the thread history (because it's already past 10 for me here) - but really, how often do you remember waking up and at least remembering and knowing for a fact that, yes, you've had a dream? Even if you can't remember what the dream was necessarily about, do you remember that you dreamed about something?

I'm actually a bit curious because my lack of dreams (no, seriously) helped me realize that I wasn't getting enough good sleep. A friend of the family told me a few months ago that REM sleep is actually the only restorative sleep that you can get. I couldn't enter REM sleep, therefore I couldn't dream, therefore I was tired and drained as all hell in the morning. Ever since I started taking a certain medication to help calm my mind down, I've been dreaming a lot more lately, and I actually wasn't wanting to fall asleep in class.

Anyone else have similar incidents? Or am I just a total weirdo that unfortunately requires chemical support to actually have a dream?

Edit: ARGH, FRELL! *notes her perception roll made yet another critical failure/botch* Someone help me move this to the poll area? Please? :blink:

#90164 Music and dreams

Posted by Rave on 10 April 2010 - 04:23 AM in Dream Discussion

Sometimes music helps me get to sleep, too...but, unfortunately, I highly doubt that it can keep out the sound of my little brother playing on his computer and letting out this shriek/squeal/laugh sound.

With music being such a prominent part of my life, one would think that I'd have some sort of background music playing or something, but not necessarily the case. I've only had two dreams that I clearly remember that have anything to do with music.

The first involved saving some baby elephant right smack dab in the middle of a tropical storm or a hurricane of some sorts. I suddenly got an idea as to how to stop the storm. What resulted? Final Fantasy X's "Song of Prayer," lyrics and everything intact, pure a capella. And the storm calmed down as I sang the second verse/chorus/section (I honestly have no idea what to call "hasatekanae kutamae" other than something along those lines). I have this big grin on my face, a bunch of sentient animals are praising me for a job well done, and I wake up with a smile and a higher level of self-esteem than my usual "don't necessarily care bout anything"/laid-back attitude.

The second? More gaming. I'm talking with an older and slightly altered version of Xion from Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days when I start hearing the flute solo for "Dearly Beloved," closely followed by the rest of the main melody. I had been asking her if she was going to "come back" or not (I forget the events before that part), and I don't remember Xion's answer...unless the song was the answer; I dunno... I got teary eyed when I woke up, too, partially sad about not being able to talk with Xion more, partially happy I remembered hearing the song. Heck, I even used to keep my GBA on all night with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories in it and kept at the main menu just to have something nice and pleasant to wake up to the next morning.

#90104 What are you listening to right now?

Posted by Rave on 07 April 2010 - 03:33 AM in Community Corner

"Forever Unity: Vocal Mix" - which I really want to get a hold of the MP3 of now that I've heard it, 'cause damn, TRiPPY, you've got composition and songwriting skills that make me very envious.

#90103 World Music?

Posted by Rave on 07 April 2010 - 03:26 AM in Community Corner

I don't listen to a lot of World music, or at least nothing that qualifies for non-English or non-Japanese...

...but Azam Ali and her work as the vocalist for Niyaz is not only hypnotic, but can become very NiGHTS-y very quickly.

...and I'm not sure if it counts, but do songs that are sung in choir classes count, too? Because I've sung most definitely in Latin - lots and lots of Latin - another song that's based on a Russian folk-song, and one song in French about the spinning of a windmill (or something like that) in the 5th grade that has a very bad tendency to just get stuck in my head...

#77764 NiGHTs: Lucid Dreaming - OC ReMix arrangement project

Posted by Rave on 06 October 2009 - 03:13 AM in Creative Stuff!

*skids to a halt into the thread - math papers fly through doorway in wake* Wait, did I read this e-mail and thread opener/first post right!?



Audition tapes end on the 25...?

... *runs off to practice and record*

EDIT: OKAY, before I forget this, and because I would really much rather know in advance... You said that everything would be compiled in a 'choir' sort of thing, right? For those of us who actually ARE in a choir of some sort (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, am I?), do you want us to try and focus on a more 'blendable' sound so that way no one person sticks out completely? Or is that a bit of a stretch? *just heard her really crummy recording...*