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Member Since 25 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2011 05:12 AM

About Me

Huzzah! Intros...[/sarcasm]


I'm that shy girl in the back corner that you look at and go "She's weird..." before she starts talking with her friends. Nowadays, I just don't give a damn anymore.


Gamer by nature and by birth (it's ironically how my parents met), I first learned about NiGHTS by cameos in different Sonic games. Then I found the main site, started to learn more about it, listened to the music, and went "I want this game."


Personal favorite character in the entire series (other than NiGHTS himself) is Jackle. Cool design, freakin' cool mantle, and I seem to like the insane ones. Reala comes close after.


Favorite colors include blue, purple, red, orange, and green. Not much of a fan of the colors pink or yellow. *Shudders at memory of room before painting it over*


Trying to learn how to draw complicated poses, I might actually start drawing the canon Nightmaren one of these days... Also trying to figure out how to use GIMP properly so that way I have an actual avatar I can call my own!

Community Stats

  • Group Visitor
  • Active Posts 20
  • Profile Views 6157
  • Member Title Lurker
  • Age 32 years old
  • Birthday October 15, 1992
  • Gender
    Female Female
  • Location
    A place where you can count on the wind 1/3 of the year
  • Interests
    music, singing, writing, drawing, gaming, surfing the internet

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