I have to agree that the controls felt different to me, coming from the Xbox 360 version. But I honestly don't see any reason why it keeps someone from playing it. Remakes aren't going to be 100% 1:1 with their original version. The pros more than outweigh the cons though, you get a huge bump in graphics, all the content from NiGHTS and Christmas NiGHTS, Online Leaderboards, etc. Initial reactions are always negative with remakes, it's nothing unusual. But over time, you realize that just because you're not getting everything you're used to doesn't mean you can't adjust to what's new.
But yes, it was weird playing the game like I've always have on the Saturn version to see that I'm missing rings and blue chips. Just means now I need to work on my new skills with the game.
But who knows, SEGA might recognize the difference and offer customization options to make it better or even just update the controls altogether.
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Member Since 31 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Feb 06 2017 05:02 PM