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Member Since 02 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2014 03:47 PM

In Topic: So where do we go now?

08 July 2014 - 09:30 PM

I can't say for sure what I think about the store variable (lots of stuff to consider!) 

I'm really excited about getting some pages back up (The world needs to see the horror that is the NiGHTS archie comics) 


In terms of what I can offer, I know of a LOT of NiGHTS blogs in the tumblrsphere, as we get back up to date with scans and whatnot, some of it could be reposted to a sort of official .com tumblr and this will definitely catch the attention of the newer side of the fandom (I'd be more then happy to do this, if you guys think it a useful idea) 

I'm really excited to help bring the .com back to life, and really hope I can help play a part in that comeback

In Topic: So where do we go now?

08 July 2014 - 08:43 PM

Same here, I may not have many services to offer, but I'd be glad to help get the .com back on the map

In Topic: So where do we go now?

07 July 2014 - 06:49 PM

great to meet ya dex! 

All hail our kind new overlord ;)

In Topic: What are you up to? (Or: let's have a reintroduction thread?)

10 November 2013 - 01:43 AM

I'm currently in College getting a degree in entertainment design and hoping I'll be able to find something awesome to do for a living if the student loans don't kill me, other then that the only thing of note is I became a tumblr junkie haha. Boy does this place make me nostalgic. I'll have to keep checking in every now and again!