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Member Since 01 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2010 08:21 PM

In Topic: Winter Dreamers EP

05 December 2009 - 06:07 AM

Stevo, not at all sure, really. I'll say send me the tracks processed, but if it turns out I'd be better of with them not being processed, I can let you know.

In Topic: Winter Dreamers EP

04 December 2009 - 11:34 PM

Hey Stevo, send the stuff my way. I'm not sure whether I'll end up remixing Bunny Man's Christmas or Hey Dreamer, but I would like to mess around and see what happens. :D

In Topic: Haha, hi everyone

03 December 2009 - 11:11 PM

Anways, welcome. Try not to let our crazy antics scare you. We're a weird bunch of people over here. Throwing sparkles and purple everywhere XD

Your crazy antics? You're kidding me. Within days, you guys will be scared of my own crazy antics! They're nothing to sniff at!

Oh, and throw some of those sparkles and purple over here, I like spreading the love. When I do find the NiGHTS game for Saturn (I never planned on playing the Wii version, since the original is the real deal that sparked everyone's love for the game in the first place), I'll be sure to enjoy it.

By which I mean I will suddenly flood in with a huge bunch of extreme and crazy fanboy posts. :D

Yo, i also didn't grew on NiGHTS. I was born in the 1996, still i love that game. Yet, the only one i played were NiD. A helluva lot of games got NiGHTS apearences. Like Sonic Adventrue (1&2), Billy Hatcher, Shadow The Hedgehog, and both Sonic Riders. But i don't play NiGHTS much on these, as s/he is a fly type character, and i don't really like these type.

Yeah, I know what you mean there. I never really actually liked NiGHTS in those games and didn't play as s/he too much, but the character enticed me to definitely look more into it later. Good to know I'm not the only one, though. :rolleyes:

In Topic: NiGHTs: Lucid Dreaming - OC ReMix arrangement project

03 December 2009 - 11:03 PM

hitori janai....where have i heard that before....

It is an actual phrase. It's Japanese, and means something to the effect of "You're not alone". I originally started out as Hitori, which mean "alone" by itself (during a time where that seemed to describe me perfectly), but I talked to a friend once who said her favorite phrase was the full thing. Only remembered it after I changed for the better... and from then, I wasn't alone anymore.

Ah... nostalgia. :rolleyes:

In Topic: Haha, hi everyone

03 December 2009 - 03:10 AM

*munches on sweets ravenously, then remembers others*

Ehehehe... glad to be here. I seem to have come to the right place for NiGHTSly baked goods. ;)

Oh, and I do plan to visit. A lot. Because you guys, this community... you INSPIRE me. You guys are the reason that I love making music, the reason that all my work and planning and messing up and continuing have not stopped me from getting better. I probably would've given up once I lost inspiration, but then you guys come along (I mean, I stumble upon you people, you were already here) and not only inspire me to continue working, but also miraculously help me with the music itself (ex: the sheet music book for NiGHTS up in the Creative Stuff section).

So thank you all! You make this possible! And, of course, I hope you like my song when it comes out in 2011 on the album. :blink: