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Member Since 15 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2009 03:42 PM

In Topic: How many fanmaren do you have?

16 October 2009 - 09:18 PM

Name: Jeshire Airrider
Age: 15 (reduced by magic, wizzy got pissed at her)
Gender: Female
Martial Status: Single
Significant Other: None
Siblings: She doesn't know them.
Picture: http://lordblumiere....eshire-88510147 (Picture credit to LordBlue, he's an awsome artist, and I was so happy that he drew my char!)

Name: Shades "Hue" Light
Age: 3000+
Gender: Male
Martial Status:ingle (Though he secretly loves Jeshire)
Significant other: None
Siblings: None that he knows of
Picture: None yet

These are my main two, I also have Jes's many children: Ace, Diamond, Heart, Spade, Club, than the older twins, Perry and Winkle

In Topic: The council of six.

16 October 2009 - 08:04 PM

Jeshire heard a vioce in the hall, and regonized it as TORiAS the fallen. She floated to the door, opened it, and looked ot in to the hall. Indeed, it was TORiAS...
"TORi, my friend, I... I need help... Please, come in..."