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Member Since 29 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2012 11:41 PM

About Me

Well, Hewwo there.


I've got a long list of things to say about myself, so...


- I'm interested in Video games, Cellular Automata (Don't ask, It's a LOOOOOOONG story), Writing, Drawing, And general Badassery.
- My favorite video games are NiGHTS (I wouldn't be here otherwise), Cave Story, And any Monster Hunter game. The World Ends With You is pretty cool too.
- I draw stuff. I've got a whole bunch of ideas, maybe you'll see some of them soon...
- I write stuff too. I started doing it for lulz at first, but then I decided to get serious and try doing something a bit more large in scale.
- I used to have a Spore account. I got on the Most Popular page for a couple hours with a spaceship called "The Grand Amalgam".
- LEGO is awesome. I like Lego, in (almost) any form.
- Even though I'm nice here and most other places, I'm a mean, soulless bastard when it comes to MarioKart. I will pwn you.
- You haven't noticed I enjoy making long lists yet?
- My avatar is a picture of a Diablos. It's from Monster Hunter. I might change it if I find something I like more.
- I need to get more sleep D: I never get enough, I have to get up early for school.
- This is the last one. You can stop reading this..... NOW.

Community Stats

  • Group Visitor
  • Active Posts 37
  • Profile Views 6438
  • Member Title Lurker
  • Age 31 years old
  • Birthday August 10, 1993
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Trapped Inside My Own Mind

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