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Member Since 17 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Apr 17 2012 11:09 PM
Profile Feed
Alkerone → ThomasLypearropay
I noticed that it's your birthday today!
:3 Happy Birthday!
Jul 14 2010 08:15 AM
I noticed that it's your birthday today!
:3 Happy Birthday!
Alkerone → Dex la Cabra
Yep! Everything on that dragon was done by hand (whole project took 2 1/2 months)
Feb 10 2010 02:02 AM
Dex la Cabra → Alkerone
it looks like it took a long time, did you hand stitch all the embroidery bits?
Feb 08 2010 03:21 PM
Alkerone → Dex la Cabra
:D Thanks for the compliment! :D (I had fun making that dragon)
Feb 08 2010 03:22 AM
Musashi_HUmar → Alkerone
Hi there!!! Welcome to our forum! I hope you enjoy the time you spend here with us discussing NiGHTS!!
Feb 18 2009 06:35 PM