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Christmas Nights intro narration

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Saturn Christmas Nights intro featured narration by what sounded like a Japanese lady with a very high pitched voice, who clearly had learned American English as a second language (this is a guess, but my judgment is usually pretty astute when it comes to accents etc). Although some said it was annoying, I found this very charming and endearing.

In the HD version of Christmas Nights the intro is narrated by an English lady (again guessing but pretty sure). TBH I like both, the new narrator sounds very Christmassy - like she could narrate a sequel to Raymond Briggs' The Snowman.

I'm wondering which version featured as the PS2 Christmas Nights intro?

Also wondering if anyone knows the reason for this change/if they got someone new in for the HD version?

Thanks in advance for replies ;)

Chao Freak 1

Chao Freak 1


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Well since the PS2 version was a Japanese only release, so neither of the english narrations were used.
The PS2 version uses the original, Japanese Saturn narration.




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  • Interests:Memes, Christmas, SEGA, Sonic, & the Mother series. But not the first one. It sucked.

Saturn Christmas Nights intro featured narration by what sounded like a Japanese lady with a very high pitched voice, who clearly had learned American English as a second language (this is a guess, but my judgment is usually pretty astute when it comes to accents etc). Although some said it was annoying, I found this very charming and endearing.

In the HD version of Christmas Nights the intro is narrated by an English lady (again guessing but pretty sure). TBH I like both, the new narrator sounds very Christmassy - like she could narrate a sequel to Raymond Briggs' The Snowman.

I'm wondering which version featured as the PS2 Christmas Nights intro?

Also wondering if anyone knows the reason for this change/if they got someone new in for the HD version?

Thanks in advance for replies wink.gif

I'm assuming they changed it because the original was so awful. It sounded like she was being held at gunpoint and forced to do it.

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