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Chao Freak 1
Chao Freak 1
Member Since 20 Feb 2009Offline Last Active Mar 20 2018 07:04 AM
About Me
Why Hallo thar NiGHTS peepz~
Just another person in the small world of NiGHTS fans. I'm also a complete VOCALOID nerd.
I own SpaceChannel5.net and hope that it grows a bit more... Just want to get another SEGA fandom growing~
I work for Zero-G Unlimited on VOCALOID production and bug testing. They don't know I actually exist, but I do. My friend got an unpaid job there and got lazy so he dumped all the work on me. I edited and cut about half of the alpha voice banks sound samples, and I'm currently bug testing VOCALOID ZG-V7.
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Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 137
- Profile Views 9227
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday November 21, 1993
Utah, USA
Space Channel 5, NiGHTS, VOCALOID, the Dream Dimention, Art
- Website URL http://www.spacechannel5.net
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