Current game: Hard to say. I always switch between games unless one has me completely captivated or has a lot to offer. I don't buy games anymore since the systems I have either have games I don't like or the consoles themselves are obsolete/soon to be obsolete. I guess the games are...
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return for the PS1. Hard to find game (although a bit easier than find than the first
Tomba!) that is totally awesome.

The entire game is nothing but one objective after another, but they're fun to complete. Jump and capture a chickadee, gain Adventure Points (AP)! Find a fishing hook, gain AP! Capture an Evil Pig, gain AP! And so and so forth. It's quite funny at times
, it can be a pain in the butt (two words: Kujara Wash), and it can...get really weird. Weirdest moment (huge spoiler for plot):
Still, it's fun, humorous, and if you're lucky enough to get a copy, it's a blast. Just...if you get the original Tomba! 1, make sure you play it on a PS1 console. It has problems playing on a PS2. :/
2. Starfox 64. Love it. Pain in the butt to get that last medal
, but it feels like an old friend. Heh. I love experimenting on what dialogue I haven't heard before.
Temporal is a really good freeware game dealing with time. Before you're even halfway through, you'll be tearing out your hair shouting: "How the (bleep) do I do that?!" All around, a very fun game. Has humor in the dialogue too. ^^
Zombies Ate My Neighbors/Zombies! for the SNES, Sega Genesis, and now the Wii's Virtual Console (review contains some explicit language). Totally fun game that is quite difficult to actually complete. No plot, but it's an excellent game. ...Although, not everyone will agree on that note.
I'm not really playing any games right now. I focus more on writing nowadays, but maybe in a month I'll get back to my games.