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What game are you playing at the moment?

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So peeps, here's a thread where you can post what game you're currently playing, let everyone know how you feel about the game, and even give a few suggestions to games that you think people might enjoy. =D

But please remember, you must use the SPOILER tags if you intend to say anything spoilerific, kk?

I finally finished Silent Hill: Homecoming on the PS3 yesterday, and quite liked it to be honest. I had a few worries, considering Team Silent didn't develop it, but i reckon Double Helix did a really good job. The music was awesome, it really set the mood for all the creepiness. Also love the characters and in-depth storyline<3


I seriously suggest that any fan of the Silent Hill series that hasn't played this yet give it a try!



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I haven't played any of the Silent Hill games, despite being a horror geek. So I'm planning on getting Shattered Memories for PS2 when it comes out.

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy V - part of the Final Fantasy Anthology for PS1. It's now been a number of years since I started my quest to beat every Final Fantasy game in order... but I haven't set a time limit and I'm still full of determination!
So far it's been fairly fun - the 8-bit games were kind of hellishly dull. Even though the cinematic basis of the game has been scaled back a bit from FFIV (you have to select your characters name and choose everyone's job) it still has had a considerable amount of cut-scenes and story development.




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i'm currently playing Elebits, the unapreciated game that came out for the wii. i'm just trying to get some of the extra stuff
also, i'm trying to finsh the last 2% of Metroid prime 3.




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Current game: Hard to say. I always switch between games unless one has me completely captivated or has a lot to offer. I don't buy games anymore since the systems I have either have games I don't like or the consoles themselves are obsolete/soon to be obsolete. I guess the games are...

1. Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return for the PS1. Hard to find game (although a bit easier than find than the first Tomba!) that is totally awesome. :) The entire game is nothing but one objective after another, but they're fun to complete. Jump and capture a chickadee, gain Adventure Points (AP)! Find a fishing hook, gain AP! Capture an Evil Pig, gain AP! And so and so forth. It's quite funny at times
, it can be a pain in the butt (two words: Kujara Wash), and it can...get really weird. Weirdest moment (huge spoiler for plot):

Still, it's fun, humorous, and if you're lucky enough to get a copy, it's a blast. Just...if you get the original Tomba! 1, make sure you play it on a PS1 console. It has problems playing on a PS2. :/

2. Starfox 64. Love it. Pain in the butt to get that last medal
, but it feels like an old friend. Heh. I love experimenting on what dialogue I haven't heard before.


Temporal is a really good freeware game dealing with time. Before you're even halfway through, you'll be tearing out your hair shouting: "How the (bleep) do I do that?!" All around, a very fun game. Has humor in the dialogue too. ^^

Zombies Ate My Neighbors/Zombies! for the SNES, Sega Genesis, and now the Wii's Virtual Console (review contains some explicit language). Totally fun game that is quite difficult to actually complete. No plot, but it's an excellent game. ...Although, not everyone will agree on that note.

I'm not really playing any games right now. I focus more on writing nowadays, but maybe in a month I'll get back to my games.

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I'm playing Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Guess what? It's one of my favourite Zelda games.

The game get very little love, but I don't know why. The overworld is fun to explore, the sidescrolling works very well, and the music is great. If you've played Super Smah Brothers Melee, the underground Maze song is a remake of AoL's palace theme.

The Good: Almost everything. Hyrule is very big this time around. The terrain is varied, dotted with deserts, ocans, forests, swamps, riveres, and small towns. Magic makes it's firt appearence, and is much more utilized than in future Zelda titles. It's been called an RPG, but there's no "waiting for your enemy to attack" foolishness. A Link to the Past is fun, but AoL is how 2D Zelda games ought to be made.

The Bad: This is no walk in the park. There are violent enemies (curse you, Parapa Palace Iron Knuckle!), and it can be hard to get to the palaces themselves. The Midoroo Palace is particularly hard to get to; I die before I make it all the way. Just know what you're doing and try, try again.

The Ugly: Not much. The graphic as very good in this game.

The Verdict: If you're a Zelda fan, play this. If not, play it, too. You'll thank me later. A basic knowledge of the plot is vital to understanding the game, but it's all worth it in the end.

9/10 (Point deducted for an annoying, yet managable, difficulty.)




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Right now, I'm playing the following:

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (for PS1): Just got back into playing it. If I can beat the remake, I can beat the original.

Puyo Puyo 7 (for DS): Every once in while, I pick this game up. It's great anyway!




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i just remembered, i'm also trying to beat sonic 2 and Ratchet & Clank 3 100% too

i really need to focus on one game at a time :blink:



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Okay, this may be lengthy since I multitask my games.

Current Games

Assassin's Creed II -
A better game than the first on the whole. Pretty much all the existing mechanics have been improved and it's less repetetive. My only gripes are it's way too easy, there is little use for some of the equipment you get and worst of all, the main assassinations aren't as good as in the first AC because they are less tightly scripted. Still, a good game that isn't quite like anything else out there right now.

Tekken 6
A very good installment to the Tekken series. Gameplay is good and the formerly sucky online has been patched so it's actually serviceable. Huge roster, pretty graphics and great soundtrack too. Probably the best 3D fighter on a console right now. Unfortunately Scenario Campaign mode is horrid, but who plays fighters for anything but fighting?

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Think Gauntlet but with Marvel characters. It's not the deepest or most compelling game ever, but it is a ton of fun regardless, especially with friends. The roster is a little odd, but there has already been some DLC with more potentially on the way. I only wish some of the game mechanics from previous titles in the series weren't so oversimplified.

Street Fighter IV
It's Street Fighter. What else needs to be said. It has some flaws but they are minimal and in all likelihood won't be relevant or even noticed except by fighting enthusiasts.

Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Pure fanservice. The fighting is kind of like the Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi. It's very simple and good fun. However, you're likely to get bored with it somewhat quickly if you don't have people to play against. More so than other fighters anyway.



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Current games:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Wii Sports Resort
Bought a Wii Fit primarily since my sister wanted one, but I tried it out, probably use this thing from time to time. That combined with the WSR.. my arms still ache from two nights ago, jeez..




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The games I'm currently playing are:

Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead 2

...And I'm looking for my PSP so I can play some Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.




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Zelda: Majora's Mask. Playing little by little this creepiest of Zelda games. Seriously, what other LoZ game deals with death...a lot? Even in the beginning that poor little Deku tree foreshadows some of the horrors of Termina. Little by little, only taking on the dungeons when I know I have time (in-game and IRL)... In one cycle I managed to do the first dungeon and get the Goron Lullaby. ^^ Not to mention by the time I went back in time I had nearly 1,000 Rupees in the bank. Heh. Learned how to get Rupees quick, 200 at a time repeatedly in one cycle. I'm going to break Termina's economy one of these days. X3 Ah well. Going at this pace is relaxing. A lot more gets done in every cycle compared to how I used to through this game. (Do something, rewind, repeat.)

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Planning on finally beating L4D2 soon, but I'm also still doing Phantasy Star Zero in any spare time.

There needs to be more hours in the day.




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Playing L4D2 atm.

Ellis is so awesome<3

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Playing L4D2 atm.

Ellis is so awesome<3

Hey coach, want some chocolate? I can't wait for the DLC where the survivors from L4D cross paths with L4D2




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Hey coach, want some chocolate? I can't wait for the DLC where the survivors from L4D cross paths with L4D2

Lmao, It's gonna be so epic XD

Zelda: Majora's Mask. Playing little by little this creepiest of Zelda games. Seriously, what other LoZ game deals with death...a lot? Even in the beginning that poor little Deku tree foreshadows some of the horrors of Termina. Little by little, only taking on the dungeons when I know I have time (in-game and IRL)... In one cycle I managed to do the first dungeon and get the Goron Lullaby. ^^ Not to mention by the time I went back in time I had nearly 1,000 Rupees in the bank. Heh. Learned how to get Rupees quick, 200 at a time repeatedly in one cycle. I'm going to break Termina's economy one of these days. X3 Ah well. Going at this pace is relaxing. A lot more gets done in every cycle compared to how I used to through this game. (Do something, rewind, repeat.)

Man I love this game. I agree with you about the whole "death" thing, makes it all just that much more real.

Gotta love Deku Link =3




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Man I love this game. I agree with you about the whole "death" thing, makes it all just that much more real.

Gotta love Deku Link =3

But it's sad for that poor Deku... If you follow clues from the game, especially early on and after the final battle, you get a sense of just who "Deku Link" used to be. I mean, the Zora and Goron had identities right? I wrote the following earlier this year after some thought on MM:

"Mikau, guitarist of The Indigo-Go's and a brave Zora, passed on after failing to rescue the stolen eggs of a band mate. [...] Darmani the Third, renowned Goron hero who died attempting to relieve his people of the unbearable cold from Snowhead Temple. [...] Link, Hero of Time, savior of Termina, and a kid fated to save the world on more than one occasion."

It then goes on to say how the Deku has no identity, it's just called "Deku Link." It takes the hero's name since it has none of it's own. In the end, Deku Link is just a nameless hero since
I feel sorry for that Deku... It's only now when I take my time with the games I have that I start to notice things I never did before. There's a lot more than you might expect in MM... Even simple gestures I never saw before like Link waving as the Great Fairy leaves are being recognized. Heh... Not sure if this is a spoiler, but

The whole death thing...it's eerie. And even after Termina is saved, just how much have Link and the spirits of the others done for that realm? I've tried figuring it out, but I'm not sure how Link could save/help absolutely everybody (yes, even as many people as possible in the Notebook and the Skulltula Houses) in one cycle. Guess that's something I'll have to try one of these days (trying to get as many people as possible anyway)...

I highly recommend this game to people who prefer quality in a game over quantity (then again, there is a boat load of side quests to do :(). (Sorry I got off topic, but it's all related to the thread in some way...right? >>; Cripes, me and splurges of babbling on video games...)

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Here we go...

Persona 3 FES- This is technically the first game that I've played in the Shin Megami Tensei (is that what it's called?) series, so I'm not very sure how it is compared to the others. But from what I've seen so far, I have to admit that it's pretty good. Being an RPG fanatic, I found the overall and Social Link stories to be interesting. The heroes and the villains were both interesting and I enjoyed the voice acting and the mood of the game. With that, I found some problems with the game, I hated the fact that all of the females in the game (with the exception of the Hermit, Hanged, and Aeon Social Links) had to be the MC's lovers (imagine it's your first playthrough, you're trying to clear up all of the Social Links in one go, only to hit that point where you can't talk to other girls or risk a reversal... which inevitably happens anyway). Also, there were times when the game felt like it was kind of slow... but either way, the challenge level and the storyline makes up for it.

Persona 4- The "sequel" of Persona 3 (FES) that follows a completely different protagonist from the first. This one kind of plays just like the previous game, but with some minor adjustments. Getting to places has been made easier with what I call the "teleport button," more save points have been added, there are more ways of upping your stats, and you're not required to play the card games for persona if you don't want to. Despite dealing with the investigations of multiple murders, the storyline is much more lighthearted than the previous game (seriously, the situations that these kids get into XD). Once again, I liked the voice acting, the challenge level is alright, and the storyline is good. But the only problem is that the game still feels a little slow and bombards you with things to do (Social Links, part-time jobs, rescue missions, quests, stat raising (which is important to access certain decisions or Social Links), and extra missions).

Overall, I'd still recommend these games to others.




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Fallout 3. I want...a robot.




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I got some Christmas presents early since I'm going to be away for Christmas and won't see my friend then: Klonoa: Empire of Dreams and NiGHTS PaPETCH! But the PaPetch isn't what I'm here to talk about, so...
I also started Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, 'cause my awesome friend lent me her copy last night, too. I'm so spoiled by her. :)




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Space Channel 5 Part 2.

Apparently in Extra Mode, Purge is known as Purge Jr.

....I never knew he had a son that looks exactly like him, age and all.

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Assassin's Creed II
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Christmas NiGHTS




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NiD: I just hooked up my saturn again...

Half-Life 2: I downloaded this off steam. I also have G-mod, But it's not working... (DAMNED VISTA!!!)

Megaman 2: They just announced MM10, so I'm practicing.

G-man creeps the Hell out of me...



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Shining Wisdom - the marriage of the Shining series and Working Designs, resulting in a pretty awesome game. I bought this on eBay a LONG while back but am only now getting around to it. (I feel ashamed having games that sit around unplayed for as long as they do.) The action oriented gameplay is fun but kind of strange. The pre-rendered sprites look nice enough - though generally poor by Saturn standards, reminding me of Dink Smallwood, a freeware game I played many years ago. There are cool anime-inspired pictures for when main characters talk. And, of course, Working Designs added plenty of their trademark humor making me want to talk to everyone I meet -- I don't care if it's inaccurate, it's FUNNY!

Also in different places the creators are credited as "Sonic! Software Planning", "Team Sonic", and "Sonic Team". I'm pretty sure that this is not THE Sonic Team. It's certainly confusing.




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Sonic '06.

...Been very bored lately.



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Currently? Gamer Girl here has been playing Dissida Final Fantasy... and loving Cecil Harvey of FFIV.

Seriously, I'll take on anyone who says that Cloud Strife is the most amazing FF hero in history, becasue he's not. Even in the original game (which I also picked up and LOVE) Cecil was better.

Anyway, consider playing this game if you're a hardcore FF fan like me.



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Delved back into the Million Rose mission in We Love Katamari last night. I'm almost at 300K. Why must I subject myself to these sorts of things.. damn you, Namco..




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I got 1000/1000 in Tekken 6 yesterday...

Most likely I'll go back to play Sonic '06 now. I've S ranked everything with Sonic except Crisis City (Hard) (I have an A rank on it.) It's friggin stupid what keeps happening to me once I get to the Mach speed zone.



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Most likely I'll go back to play Sonic '06 now. I've S ranked everything with Sonic except Crisis City (Hard) (I have an A rank on it.) It's friggin stupid what keeps happening to me once I get to the Mach speed zone.

You are a very sick person and need to get some psychiatric treatment as soon as possible. XD




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You are a very sick person and need to get some psychiatric treatment as soon as possible. XD

The game seems more playable everytime I play it. :P




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Since I've beaten Klonoa: Empire of Dreams now, I can actually say something about it. It's overall impression on me has been of a cute portable version of the console games: not as intense, but still very fun. It isn't that much easier than the others. There are less bottomless pits and difficult technical maneuvers (those are mostly limited to bonus stages). However, the puzzles seemed harder to me, and there were several instances where it was possible, even easy, to ruin a puzzle and have to try the room again. The bonus stages where you have to keep ahead of the automatic scrolling screen are challenging (matter of fact, I still can't beat the last one. :D; *shame*), and between that and the option to collect all the dreamstones in the stage, the difficulty of 100% completing the game is pretty high (of course, this is me, Miss I-can't-platform-to-save-my-life, talking). The bosses are about average difficulty for a Klonoa game, but one, the fourth one which you fight in Santal, frustrated me because it's hard to aim your shots properly at it: the arrows you use for aiming move around. This game is not at all impossible, though. In spite of having more stages, it was shorter for me than the console Klonoa games. I was pleasantly surprised to find the hoverboard in here. :rolleyes: Those stages are a lot of fun. Story: It's like I expected. Not as deep and emotional as the console games, but still meaningful, flows well, and it keeps your attention for the short time you play it. It reminds me of short children storybooks and fairy tales I enjoy.

Overall: I enjoyed Empire of Dreams a lot. It's good for any Klonoa fan who wants some more goodness of a regrettably small series.



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Oh, if anyone was curious Final Fantasy V was better than I-III but not quite as good as IV.

And having just today finished Shining Wisdom I have to say - it wasn't very good. The controls get REALLY annoying - you basically have to mash X, Y, and Z then hold "B" during the whole game, repeating after you change items. And you have to switch items A LOT. Still, I'm tempted to say it was more fun than Shining in the Darkness, which got pretty intensely tedious.
I kind of want to play Shining the Holy Ark at some point - like SitD, it's a first-person RPG but with 32-bit graphics I imagine it's a big step up.

Currently, I've been training in Super Street Fighter II. I've always liked fighting games but the only ones I was good at as a kid were the Mortal Kombat series. Now that I recognize those games as being kind of lame, I'm trying to gain "legit skillz" - inspired by all the online buzz from Street Fighter IV and the fancy Madcatz stick and the supposed necessity of using a joystick, I'm using the Saturn Virtua Stick for this. My current plan is to beat the game as everyone, increase the difficulty by one, and repeat. Then move on to Turbo.
Because "being awesome at old fighting games" is a pretty cool thing to put on a resume, I guess.




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I picked up Zelda Spirit Tracks yesterday, and it's the best Zelda game since Wind Waker! It's a bit easy but besides that, totally awesome, I love the new Princess Zelda, she's so funny xD




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Add L4D and View-tiful Joe to my list as well



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I'm seeing why Uncharted (playing 1) made game of the year; so many elements of the game fit together so well.. you're almost never S.O.L. no matter how dire the situation looks, enemy A.I. is actually pretty smart, the game is seamless, with pretty much no loading after you start the game.. besides the visuals and sound.. even the way you can switch shoulder views when firing your weapon is something I haven't seen before, it's a nice touch.




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I've dropped everything in favor of Shadow of the Colossus. Had to endure quite a bit to get the game, but in the end it was worth it. (Yes, I tend to get a bit obsessive about games...it's in my nature.) So far I've defeated 2 colossi and have taken up finding as much fruit and as many lizards as possible before the third fight. I've gone completely off track from where I'm supposed to be, but I'm having fun. :3 The landscape is quite amazing ranging from dried up areas where water used to flow (ravine, ocean, etc.) to lush fields to utterly dead stretches of land and more. Apparently in the US version you can ride a hawk or something. Haven't been able to pull that off, but I have gotten used to riding the horse. It's different from Twilight Princess I'll tell you that much. It's actually a bit different than most games I've played. Triangle is jump, Circle is the interaction button, and X calls the horse. Square attacks, R1 is used for varying things from hanging on edges to pulling off a forward roll.

Love the landscapes. The world's a bit daunting and with no actual side quests other than the lizards and fruit (which beef up your HP bar and stamina), it's pretty straight-forward. The makers of ICO really made the place diverse... Just when you think you know the lay of the land, another surprise is in store for you. For instance, the hero rode over a lush field, across a stone bridge, rode across a field again... And then everything abruptly died and the scenery darkened. Another field...and then...Oh I can't spoil it. For reference, the surprise came after the save shrine labeled "Lair of the West" or something like that. Died after getting out of there just for the heck of it. (Oh my gawd I'm rambling.)

I recommend this game to those of you who enjoy nice linear gameplay, loooonng trips across beautiful lands (and sometimes not so beautiful >>), and gigantic bosses that take some thinking at times to defeat. I hear boss 13 is a doozy...

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I picked up Zelda Spirit Tracks yesterday, and it's the best Zelda game since Wind Waker! It's a bit easy but besides that, totally awesome, I love the new Princess Zelda, she's so funny xD

I got Spirit Tracks for Christmas, but I haven't started it yet. I can't wait! :P

Now that my Zelda collection is complete, I can do lots of reviews! First up, Ocarina of Time Master Quest for the Nintendo GameCube!

The Good: It's OoT! The plot is good without getting in the way, and there's tons of places to explore. If you've played OoT to death and need something fresh, this is it.

The Bad: If you've memorized every aspect of the original OoT, then Master Quest can be a tad disorienting. This is paricularly annoying inside the Deku Tree and Jabu-Jabu's Belly, where whole suites of rooms are added and explored out of order. To someone who's never picked up the original Ocarina, this is fun, but definately harder if you don't know what to do.

The Ugly: Being a ported N64 game, there are problems. There's a Kokiri house where you can throw a pot through the wall and the mountains can look kind of flat, but it really is a gorgeous game. Riding Epona across Hyrule field as fog clear and new areas appear is always stunning, and the camerawork is just great. What has always stuck out to me the most is the day/night feature, wich is really quite impressive.

The Verdict: It's a gorgeous game that will challenge new and old Zelda fans without being impossible. There are no story changes, but that's all for the better. 9/10



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I've dropped everything in favor of Shadow of the Colossus. Had to endure quite a bit to get the game, but in the end it was worth it. (Yes, I tend to get a bit obsessive about games...it's in my nature.) So far I've defeated 2 colossi and have taken up finding as much fruit and as many lizards as possible before the third fight. I've gone completely off track from where I'm supposed to be, but I'm having fun. :3 The landscape is quite amazing ranging from dried up areas where water used to flow (ravine, ocean, etc.) to lush fields to utterly dead stretches of land and more. Apparently in the US version you can ride a hawk or something. Haven't been able to pull that off, but I have gotten used to riding the horse. It's different from Twilight Princess I'll tell you that much. It's actually a bit different than most games I've played. Triangle is jump, Circle is the interaction button, and X calls the horse. Square attacks, R1 is used for varying things from hanging on edges to pulling off a forward roll.

Love the landscapes. The world's a bit daunting and with no actual side quests other than the lizards and fruit (which beef up your HP bar and stamina), it's pretty straight-forward. The makers of ICO really made the place diverse... Just when you think you know the lay of the land, another surprise is in store for you. For instance, the hero rode over a lush field, across a stone bridge, rode across a field again... And then everything abruptly died and the scenery darkened. Another field...and then...Oh I can't spoil it. For reference, the surprise came after the save shrine labeled "Lair of the West" or something like that. Died after getting out of there just for the heck of it. (Oh my gawd I'm rambling.)

I recommend this game to those of you who enjoy nice linear gameplay, loooonng trips across beautiful lands (and sometimes not so beautiful >>), and gigantic bosses that take some thinking at times to defeat. I hear boss 13 is a doozy...

Wait.. gathering fruit? Riding a hawk? Been a while since I played the game but I can't recall doing either of those things. You pretty much take Agro everywhere, which can be tedious (but the balance of the battles makes up for it). Which version did you get? The US version is readily available online for $20. Ico, on the other hand..




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Wait.. gathering fruit? Riding a hawk? Been a while since I played the game but I can't recall doing either of those things. You pretty much take Agro everywhere, which can be tedious (but the balance of the battles makes up for it). Which version did you get? The US version is readily available online for $20. Ico, on the other hand..

The fruit are hanging off of trees and they all don't look alike. On some of them, the fruit blended right in. Just break out the bow and arrows and shoot 'em down for a health increase. As for the hawks, it was excluded riding them in the PAL version...not sure why as of yet. I got the NTSC version used for 17.99 at a local GameStop. I saw ICO last year at one of them for...I think 12 bucks. If I go up to the GameStop further uptown I'm sure I could find it again. They don't get as many customers as the three GS stores in the middle of the city do. (It's also uptown where I can finally find Space Channel 5 for the PS2 soon...hopefully.)



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Ah ok, for a moment there I worried you mighta spent more than you needed to on it. Hm.. I certainly remember health gradually increasing as I progressed, but eating fruit.. hm..

Wow that's lucky.. I've been checking my local GameStops on the off chance, haven't seen Ico available at all. WTF.. why the heck must it be a rare game now.. ugh..

On another note, finished Uncharted's story last night, guess I'll continue MadWorld's campaign next..



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SotC is awesome - I need to get around to playing more and unlocking everything. (Ico is pretty great too - it was the first PS2 game I bought.)
I also have four of the trading figures from SotC, one of which being the "secret" figure, and I love them muchly.

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