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Member Since 23 May 2008Offline Last Active Dec 11 2013 08:40 AM
About Me
Well what is there to say about me? Nothing much, I guess.^^ I like video games( d'uh!), taking longwalks in the forest, writing roleplay(if I could get myself to write again, stupid mental blockade!), playing with my pet Hedgehog Smokie and uhh... gettin on everyone's nerves?xD I also have a bit of an identity issue, because I used to want to be a girl, and because of that, my puberty was kinda shocking for me, who knew I would get such a deep voice?! O-o But nevermind, I hope we all will become friends. :3
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 198
- Profile Views 20377
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday November 8, 1990