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Sleep Walking

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captain boombatty

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Just wondered if anyone else sleep walks?? I dont anymore (to my knowledge) but when I was younger I used to sleep walk ALL the time. I dont know why but I remember that when I was a kid I found it really hard to determine when I was awake and when I was asleep or in the case of sleep walking - a bit of both. It got to the point where I would stop myself in real life and have a good long hard think about whether I was asleep or not!

Ive done all kinds of things in my sleep, including - taking showers at 3am, flushing my brothers shorts down the toilet (that took a few flushes!), and I once spent a whole night staggering around the living room roaring (quietly) like a lion!?! - but that was because I had spent all day preparing for a school play. I even managed to fall asleep standing up on a crowded bus. Even now I worry about what state I am in - there is nothing worse than doing an 8 hour shift at work and then realise that you've gotta go and do another one because you dont know when your dreaming.

I think only a few times I have been dreaming and knew that it was a dream (like the one I get where i'm running through Hill Top Zone (thanks sonic2)) but I don't know anyone who used to sleep walk and wondered if any of you guys knew why/how people do it and if anyone has any stories about sleep walking. Does anyone still do it or is it just one of those things you do when your a kid? It seems to be a strange state because your dreaming but your actually moving in real life as well. odd.




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My sister used to sleep walk all the time too... my sleep paralysis is always dialed up to eleven though. I toss and turn for an hour before I sleep, then I'll stay in that exact position until I open my eyes again.
One of the more entertaining moments of my sister's escapades was when she wandered downstairs at 3am, went outside, over to the neighbours house and started ringing their doorbell and shouting up at them XD Now she just has jibberish conversations with my other sister when they sleep.




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I don't sleepwalk very often, but I am a hallucinogenic dreamer, so I tend to 'sleep run' so to speak, even though I'm not entirely asleep. I have been known to sleepwalk from time to time, but usually it's just harmless wandering.




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I never sleepwalked, I think XD But I sleeptalk, a lot. Like "Omelet du fromagge!" from that Dexter's Lab episode. And also a strange language my mother couldn't understand. Maybe Maren language? D:

my brothers shorts down the toilet (that took a few flushes!),

I laughed hard reading this XD

Ninja Liz-chan

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I don't sleep walk. I however sleep talk, sing, moan and gron AND I sit up. I've never actually gotten up, but I think I might have fallen out of bed once. I move around alot in my sleep but I never get up. I wnet to bed once with my blanket pattern side up, woke up with it pattern side down XD; Me and my brother make lots of noises, but never actally walk. It's hard for my mom to sleep with one of us singing and the other screaming "no! My cookie!" XD;



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Apparently I sleep-talk, but there's only been two cases of anyone hearing me... and the second time I stopped when mum opened my door to check wtf I was saying XD Either I was disturbed or my dream-self didn't want her to hear what I said.




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I know someone who sleep walks; at someone's sleepover, she got up off the matress and sat in the corner of the room. True story! Also, my friend's aunt sleep walks; her aunt goes down the stairs to get a glass of water and my friend's mum used to see her and get all annoyed when she didn't reply.

As for me, myself, i sleep talk. It's so embarassing cause my brother heard me laugh in my sleep once and he won't let me live it down! ^-^;

captain boombatty

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Hell yeah - I still laugh in my sleep - quite often as well. Does anyone else have a dream where they say something really funny to someone else in a dream and its so funny you start laughing, then realise you've woken up and then cant remember what was so funny?? They are always REALLY funny but I just wish I could remember them for longer than 15 seconds after I wake up!!! I really should keep a pen by my bed!




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I don't really know if I sleepwalk, but there have been times I've woken up in a completely different place than I fell asleep. Once, I was so tired I fell asleep on my living room couch, and then woke up the next morning in my bed. I was kinda creeped out too, especially since nobody knew how I had gotten there. ;)

At least it was somewhere familiar. Oh, and I definitely sleep-talk, too. I'm always worried when someone wakes me up that I've said something incredibly stupid or embarrassing right before becoming fully conscious again.




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I don't sleepwalk but my friend has on occasions. Once she picked up a load of blankets in her sleep, carried them downstairs and spread them around because she thought it would stop the world from ending. O.o Some people get up to some strange things in their sleep xD

I don't think I sleep-talk but I quite often wake myself up laughing. Usually about really random unfunny stuff. I remember the other day i dreamt somebody painted their house grey and for some reason I just thought this was hillarious and couldn't stop laughing xD Thats dream logic for you....
I've also woken myself up clapping ^^"




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I think I ended up sleepwalking once and ended up in my ex’s basement in the middle of the night in total pitch blackness. I haven’t a clue how I got there or why I went down there in the first place… but somehow didn’t seem freaked out when I came to and went back up to bed. Crazy!



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I only sleepwalked a few times when I was a teenager. However, I have a roommate who talks in his sleep virtually every night. The funny part is he's so articulate. I can seriously carry a conversation with him for a few minutes. You'd swear he was awake if he wasn't talking about nonsensical things. Gather round kiddies and I'll tell you of my favorite instances.

Instance #1
(He begins to stir and starts swiping at his feet)

Him - No...I don't...I don't.

Me - Is something wrong?

Him - No, I just don't like...snakes

Instance #2
(He sits up)

Him - I need help. I just need them to help me.

Me - Who? Who do you need help from?

Him - I need help from the fairies.

Me - Well, why do you need help from them?

Him - Oh, you know. I just need them to help me with my draft picks.

I really should film this one day. :o




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Instance #1
(He begins to stir and starts swiping at his feet)

Him - No...I don't...I don't.

Me - Is something wrong?

Him - No, I just don't like...snakes

Instance #2
(He sits up)

Him - I need help. I just need them to help me.

Me - Who? Who do you need help from?

Him - I need help from the fairies.

Me - Well, why do you need help from them?

Him - Oh, you know. I just need them to help me with my draft picks.

I laughed SO hard at that.
Anyways, I talk in my sleep on occasion, although I never remember what I say, and once I woke myself up by laughing at a dream. I've never sleepwalked, so far as I know.




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I have more than a few stories about my sisters sleepwalking/talking.

A lot of them involving things like crying because of wasted orange juice and waking up in the middle of June yelling "I'm so glad it's Christmas Eve!". XD

Myself, I tend to start crying in my sleep, for completely irrational nonlucid dream-related reasons. Like my mom ripping up a whole bunch of cardboard boxes. And there being no Cratermaze sequel. (which is sad, anyway.)

Oh, and Hill Top Zone is evil. ;_;




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One thing that's really creepy is when I talk to my mom, and it turns out we had an entire conversation that I didn't even know about. I keep trying to tell her I was asleep, but she says I sounded perfectly lucid. (Which doesn't mean I was awake, but I can't seem to convince her of that.)

It also doesn't help that I tend to have memory problems, either.




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I've had one experience of sleepwalking in my entire life, at least, that I know of. The first time I babysat for my little brothers, I stayed up till maybe 3 or 4 (I think I was about 11 years old at the time.) and from there I black out. The next day my mother told me that I got up, talked (though I made no sense) and kept thinking someone had tried to get at us or break in. Twas quite odd. But really, since then, nothin such.



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I don't think I've ever sleep walked, unless functioning while blacked out counts. Loren has told me some weeeeird stuff that I've done from my migraines.




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Oh LORD. I do everything in my sleep. I sleep walk, I talk, yell, sing, ETC. All unconcious.

I also have apparenty walked down the stairs, unlocked the door and wandered around in my yard asleep. I remember pain, and waking up to find blood all over my houses' side wall and my nose bleeding. xD



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A few years ago, I started developing horrible Sleep Walking problems. I'd scream in my sleep, walk around the house, etc. I woke up one time to find myself watching TV at midnight and my parents telling me to go back to sleep XD (but, that was when I was very young). Apparently, I even heard one or two stories where I attacked someone in my sleep o.o! Now, I don't have as much problems. I sleep normally now, but I'm looking into movements I make to my Waking body while Lucid.




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I have sleepwalked once. My room down to the kitchen table, and my neck hurt from sleeping on the table (my head on it, not my whole body) But other than that I sometimes fall off my bed and one other time I woke up with my leg straight in the air during a sleep over when I was like 9, I woke up to laughter because of it lol I thought it was funny too.




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no, I've never slept...walked...ing before. but there was that one time, when I was like 5, I dreamt about me in a shopping mall... type deal goin on there, and when I got to the end of the aisle, there was this... blinking sharky the shark dog (if you can remember from felix the cat) plush and a low pitched humming noise that woke me up. Upon waking, I realized that my feet were on the pillow, and that I managed to flip myself upside down in bed that night. Dunno if I was sleepwalking or what, but it was pretty cool ^_^

Aeonic Butterfly

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I slept walk temporarily when I took a seven month stay at a friend's house. I heard I was caught stargazing, wondering around halls, and somehow lost 125 bucks by doing it.

I don't do it since I moved away, though. o.o

captain boombatty

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I think losing $125 while sleep walking is enough to give you insomnia!!




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I sleep talked ONCE, and I was very much aware of that particular instant, possibly a breif lucidity moment though doubtful. I screamed "Let go of my controller". It was definitly an N64 controller. I think the guy who was trying to take it was Dick Van Dyke. I don't know, it may have been after New Years when he was on TV. My dreams are/were weird.




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I slept walk a few times XD

There was one time I moved all my pillows and blankets into the living room and collapsing into bed again, and the next morning my mother asked me why I moved all those into the living room XD I have like, no recollection of doing that




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Sadly, I have no specific stories about myself to share. But my parents tell me that I used to really move around a lot in my sleep, sometimes turning all the way over in bed, or even winding up with -- get this -- the blankets off the bed, one of my pillows under my head (which was where my feet belonged), hugging another, and the third on top of my feet!

Odd as that is, though, my mom's sleeptalking puts anything I could share to shame. I'll have to sum up the best of them:

My dad: *walks into the room at maybe 11:30 PM*
My mom: *suddenly sits bolt upright, eyes wide open with terror* Who am I?! Where are you?!
Dad: What?
Mom: *lays back down, totally asleep again*

#2: (happened at our cabin; we were all in sleeping bags on the floor)
Mom: Lookit... the kitty...
My sister: *mumble, mumble, mumble...*
Mom: Yeah, it's really cute.
Sister: *mumble, mumble, mumble...*
Mom: But-- the kitty!
Sister: *mumble, mumble, mumble...*

Yeah, my mom's like that in her sleep. There are a whole bunch more instances like that, but I can't remember them right now.




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I don't ever recalling my self sleep walking, but my nephew did when he was younger I always had to get up late at night o help him to the toilet, he would mistake the tub as one...

lol sometimes i had to smack him to wake him, i wouldn't hurt him, but he soon got over it, as though, i beleive he did.. O.o

Guest_Ideya Fairy_*

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It's not really sleep walking but it's probably close to it. I recall once, when my friend was sleeping over, we were watching a moive and I was really tired but I was trying to stay awake. So me and her are watching the movie and several times I dozed off without knowing it, because in my head I was seeing the movie instead of dreaming.

But whats really weird is that I fell asleep sitting upright. My friend told me that when I kept falling asleep my head would bow, that's when she would throw a pillow at me. But I think it was really cool, I was seeing the movie exactly how it really was instead of the improvising dreams do.




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Hmm, that's probably because of the sound playing in real life, thus making the dream conform more closely to what was actually happening.

Guest_Ideya Fairy_*

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Hmm, that's probably because of the sound playing in real life, thus making the dream conform more closely to what was actually happening.

That, and maybe the fact that I have seen the movie so many times.

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I done it once ^______^

freaking awesome ^_^

Aeonic Butterfly

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I think losing $125 while sleep walking is enough to give you insomnia!!

It was. I stayed up the next few NiGHTS looking for that money! Never foudn it, but I promised the people who let me kinly stay that if it ever turned up, it was there's to keep. It still bugs me, but it'll show up when its supposed to show up... or so I hope. ^^;;

I've taken up to sleep meowing lately. I have this horrible habit of taking cat naps on road trips or when thigns get too relazed at a friend's house, and they're now commenting I make little "Mrawr" or "Meow" noises in my sleep. Not quite walking, but its strange enough.




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I used to sleep walk when I was younger too. I'd go to sleep in my bed and wake up curled up in the corner of the other side of the room. Or, like when I used to spend the night at my grandma's house, I would go to sleep in bed wake up and wander around the house aimlessly for a good five minutes before curling up on the floor or on the couch. My mom used to complain about it because I would sometimes fall asleep on her floor and she'd nearly step on me XD or oddly fall asleep on the steps. Huh, I wonder if sleepwalking is a childhood thing. Reading some of the comments, quite a few people sleptwalked when they were younger or know someone young who does/has done it.




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I do it alot. I have sleepwalking recordings in my dream diary if anyone wants to read them. (and no one will)




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Here we go. :3 I cam back to tell you some more sleeping walking stories. :3 And.. other stories that envolve sleep.

Once, I sat up, kicked the covers off, got off the couch, randomly walking in a circle and laid back down. My mom was a witness.. to... all of these really. xD

Not really sleep walking but.. >>
Ever have that feeling whilst you are unconcious in a way, but your eyes are open? ... Like.. you're asleep, but not really? Stuck in the middle? Yah.. >>

Well, I could see what was going on in my room, but my brain thought different. My mother walked into my room when I was like... 10.. shortly after I got my saturn and was like.. NONSTOP with NiGHTS.. Well.. um..

Again, my mother walked into my room and I saw her but thought 'JACKLE.' So, when she leaned over to either cover me up better or what, I elbowed her in the face hard. I completely woke up and said, "OH MY GOSH! MOM! YOU OK!?" Her reply was "Hang on, I lost a contact." Through a bloody nose.

As I said above, once I unlocked my front door, wandered around my yard and walked straight into a nieghbors house and there was blood on thier sidding as I got a bad nose bleed from it.

Mom said once, I got up and started walking toward the foyer. When she asked where I was going, I said, "To clean the litterbox." Apparently I did this about 5 times before my mom made me stay on the couch.
(I sleep on my couch instead of a bed, mmkay?)

Another time, I had a dream about a huge ice cream cone coming into town, and I fell into it. I started kicking the sides of the cone. I really kick my cat off the bed, and she bit my toes. :3 It hurt.

I sang the ABC's backwards in my sleep at a very fast pace. Sad part? I don't know them backwards awake.

After practicing piano for about 2 hours once, I went to sleep. I got up, unconcious, walked over to my step, and sat on the first one. My mom said I was playing piano in midair, and humming Fur Elise. X3 Whoops.

Zero 22

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Here we go. :3 I cam back to tell you some more sleeping walking stories. :3 And.. other stories that envolve sleep.

Once, I sat up, kicked the covers off, got off the couch, randomly walking in a circle and laid back down. My mom was a witness.. to... all of these really. xD

Not really sleep walking but.. >>
Ever have that feeling whilst you are unconcious in a way, but your eyes are open? ... Like.. you're asleep, but not really? Stuck in the middle? Yah.. >>

Well, I could see what was going on in my room, but my brain thought different. My mother walked into my room when I was like... 10.. shortly after I got my saturn and was like.. NONSTOP with NiGHTS.. Well.. um..

Again, my mother walked into my room and I saw her but thought 'JACKLE.' So, when she leaned over to either cover me up better or what, I elbowed her in the face hard. I completely woke up and said, "OH MY GOSH! MOM! YOU OK!?" Her reply was "Hang on, I lost a contact." Through a bloody nose.

As I said above, once I unlocked my front door, wandered around my yard and walked straight into a nieghbors house and there was blood on thier sidding as I got a bad nose bleed from it.

Mom said once, I got up and started walking toward the foyer. When she asked where I was going, I said, "To clean the litterbox." Apparently I did this about 5 times before my mom made me stay on the couch.
(I sleep on my couch instead of a bed, mmkay?)

Another time, I had a dream about a huge ice cream cone coming into town, and I fell into it. I started kicking the sides of the cone. I really kick my cat off the bed, and she bit my toes. :3 It hurt.

I sang the ABC's backwards in my sleep at a very fast pace. Sad part? I don't know them backwards awake.

After practicing piano for about 2 hours once, I went to sleep. I got up, unconcious, walked over to my step, and sat on the first one. My mom said I was playing piano in midair, and humming Fur Elise. X3 Whoops.

Great list XD




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There have only ever been 4 cases of me doing something interesting in my sleep

1. While I was taking a day nap on holiday when I was 9 my mum put her mouth absurdly close to my ear and quietly whispered "time to wake up" repeatedley, but I was half asleep so I just thought it was a voice in my head. When I did wake up, I headbutted my mum on the noggin'

2. One time while on a really long drive, I fell asleep with my eyes open, so I could see everything I would normally see but I was "asleep".

3.A couple of times when I was young I kept falling out of my bed, so I'd wake up, on the floor, with bruises, and a pile of books on my head (I keep all my books on a bedside table, I have a LOT of books).

4. One time I woke up, and because my bed is parallel to a wall (with wall on one side and open air on the other), I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, LITERALLY. Like, I woke up and I slammed my head against the wall and fell back into sleep again.




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I don't sleep walk anymore, but my parents have told me stories about when I had done so when I was young. Apparently I also used to fall out of bed and not wake up, and when my mom or dad would ask me if I was all right, I'd give an affirmative, and then they'd tell me to get back in bed and I would without a word.

Nowadays I tend to sleep talk. My best friend and old roomie told me that I once woke her up by articulately having a debate with one of our friends in my sleep. XD I wish she'd recorded it, I would have loved it.




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Good lord kyra!




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Ive done all kinds of things in my sleep, including - taking showers at 3am, flushing my brothers shorts down the toilet (that took a few flushes!)

I'm not anymore, but I used to be QUITE the sleep walker as I child. And I did plenty of weird things in my sleep as well. Funny you mention flushing your brother's shorts down the toilet, I flushed my sister's underwear down the toilet. xD LOL And I also tried finding the toilet in my closet. My parents had to lead me to the bathroom lol.

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