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Member Since 03 May 2007Offline Last Active Nov 22 2011 11:00 PM
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 165
- Profile Views 8554
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 41 years old
- Birthday November 6, 1983
Books: all kinds of fantasy and science fiction<br /><br />TV Shows: Star Trek (any season), CSI Las Vegas, Knight Rider, Avatar: Last Airbender, various old Disney series (Darkwing Duck and the like)<br /><br />Video games: NiGHTS into Dreams, Megaman Zero, Fatal Frame, Sonic series (including the 3D ones =P), Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, Sly Cooper, and still more...<br /><br />Music: Pretty much anything, though I'm definitely not big on rap.<br /><br />Other: free form roleplaying, fanfiction, getting lost in my latest obsession, and so much more... ^^
- AIM Rezaelia
- MSN [email protected]
- Website URL http://