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Community Status Updates

TORiAS_the_fallen → EZEKiAL
>< Welcome back, my RPing friend... it died without you (as you may have noticed)! *cries* glad you've returned.

EZEKiAL → KUROi the dreamer
I'm going to see if I can use my mom's scanner this weekend.

EZEKiAL → KUROi the dreamer
Yes, but I have no way of scanning it. I'll get it to you as soon as possible. What's your e-mail?

KUROi the dreamer → EZEKiAL
YAY! I just need a pic of them. A reference card would be nice.

KUROi the dreamer → EZEKiAL
I'm gonna make a comic with LiGHTS and Arrow, can I put Scykle And Scyhell in it?

Aura24 → EZEKiAL
Youko planned something to get back at Roze, something so mean and devious :3