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Community Status Updates
TORiAS_the_fallen → EZEKiAL
o...m...g... Would you believe you're the first person on this site who had actually mentioned him><? Thanks. He's my fave, too. I have a thing for the wings.
Aug 30 2009 02:41 AM
EZEKiAL → TORiAS_the_fallen
Kratos? From Symphonia? I never owned either game, but he was always my favorite when my friends would bring it over. Cool! -thumbs up-
Aug 30 2009 01:41 AM
EZEKiAL → Masterweaver
I really like your character and role playing. Simply devious! -claps-
Aug 28 2009 02:44 PM
KUROi the dreamer → EZEKiAL
lol, Yea I like Banjo-Kazooie. It's all becuase of my cosin, Josh. He got me hooked on it!
Aug 27 2009 03:39 AM
EZEKiAL → Dreamer#96
Hiya! Looks like we've got another Dreamer character! Do I sense a romance? XD
Aug 26 2009 09:30 PM
EZEKiAL → DreamDreamDream
Welcome to the family! I love your sig! I hope you get as much out of this place as we do!
Aug 24 2009 08:47 PM
Chronos → EZEKiAL
ya its awesome game. I can't wait for the one on DS. It looks great!
Aug 24 2009 03:54 AM