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Community Status Updates
YamiLover13 → EZEKiAL
In a few more days I will be back home and on a better internet setting so I will be on more. I missed you and everyone else. But it was a pain to be on here with dial-up...
Aug 08 2007 07:17 AM
~Tsuki~ → EZEKiAL
Awww *glomps* missed you too. ^_~ Hope you've been doing ok.~
Jun 18 2007 05:29 PM
EZEKiAL → ~Tsuki~
Wellllllllllllll, just wanted to say that I missed you...and that's about it. See ya! *glomp*
Jun 17 2007 07:29 AM
Overlord Laharl → EZEKiAL
look dont hat me cuz u know me hate me cuz im insane. k thanks.
May 21 2007 01:39 AM
~Tsuki~ → EZEKiAL
Awww *huggles* I appreciate you being my friend as well. Your a total sweety and I'm glad we met. ^^ You were one of my first new friends I made on this forum. <3's~
May 12 2007 04:45 AM
EZEKiAL → ~Tsuki~
Hey Tsuki, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you being my friend and posting on all of my ideas. ^_^ You've been my friend since I came here, and it's been awesome.
May 11 2007 04:18 AM
YamiLover13 → EZEKiAL
Your a guy?! For some strange reason I thought of you as a girl. lol
Apr 27 2007 06:54 AM
EZEKiAL → ~Tsuki~
Um...*random cheesy comment* I wanted to since you commented on me. Oh, and I added you.
Apr 27 2007 05:54 AM