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PenMaren's Content

There have been 8 items by PenMaren (Search limited from 04-May 23)

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#50909 Did you forget about the personas on your first game?

Posted by PenMaren on 14 May 2008 - 08:02 PM in [ARCHiVED] JOD Discussion

i always freakn forget about them, then i remember them. just a thought but does anyone know how to beat chamealeon magicion?????? i just beat himoput of pure luck. but my score sucked. my friend tried and she rocks at JoD. her score sucked, 2. any ideas????? message me.

#47731 Personal Dreamscapes

Posted by PenMaren on 17 April 2008 - 08:27 PM in Dream Discussion

My dreamscape is, for some odd reason, in a place that resebuls a city park. exept much cleaner. but totally silent.

#47727 My Dream Info

Posted by PenMaren on 17 April 2008 - 08:05 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I just went on today, 4/16/08, and noticed that all my pians and mepians have little red flowers on their heads. I don't know is this thread is for the hat discovery, I just thought it was interesting.

wow, that is interesting. i haven't been on NiGHTS in a long time, so i don't know.

#47567 TRiP's other OTHER art

Posted by PenMaren on 16 April 2008 - 08:32 PM in Artwork

Me delete U.V? Helllnooo! I've simply tailored him for my own universe and he still completely retains his personality and character. Plus he wears some pimpin threads thesedays. It's not directly NiGHTS, but it's sure as hell the spirit of many forms that has kept me sane over the years :3 I could never get rid of my big fuzzy purple dragqueen lol. XD So yes, he's still very much a central character. Though to be honest the story thesedays centers more around the dreamers finding personal solutions to their probs in real life, and learning about their Gen selves as the reader does. Everything is seriously grassroots now. Much simpler on the brain and easier to relate to.

The story is very much a cut and final deal. It starts, it ends. Therefore theres nothing stopping me years down the line making another version with an entirely new set of dreamers from their perspective. Everyone dreams, so everyone has a story to tell i guess. It keeps things fresh. And doesn't overwrite anything that went before because it's a different story with different people. Different universes, mmm.

Thanks to everyone reporting back to me about the merch stuffs! I really apreciate it (honestly i really do). As always I'd love to see photos :D

Also someone went badge crazy thismorning! Thanks! XD

I'm going to try get Tatsuo done for tonight. I already have his base colors down. I really love this character.

I am sooooooooooo glad u didn't get rid of UV!!!! I am an amutuar, and there for i should not be talking to you, but who cares??? i don't. Whos Tatsuo (i probably should not be saying it's great name, so forgive me!) and is he going to appear on NiGHTSintodreams.com???????

#47565 Hello everyone. Lord_Gourri has arrived!

Posted by PenMaren on 16 April 2008 - 08:20 PM in Introduce Yourself

Yo, I'm new too. I'm a NiGHTS fan (who isn't?) and i suck at drawing NiGHTS. I'm better at drawing Reala. I thought I was good at drawing them, but after seeing TRiPPY's art, I have degraded my " fan level " to " casual gamer ". I beat Wizeman in less then a minute. :D

#47562 Rumor: NiGHTS 3

Posted by PenMaren on 16 April 2008 - 08:10 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

if you do we can go together. SA2 is THE BEST SONIC GAME EVER!!!!! and i would love to play as Reala in a villian story :D maybe 'the great mother' can be the middle villain corrupting both nightmare and dreams. The devourer of all subconscious!!!.

Sounds great! 'The great mother idea is a great idea, but I doubt it will ever be a game. :D

I had an idea like as time was running out, or like, for a final mission or whatever you see Nightmare taking over, like, the encroaching change in scenery would be so cool..

Hmm.. would this work?-

New mission: At the start of a stage, each Minion that has invaded Nightopia carries a shard of stolen Ideya. Like before, each Mare is designated to one type of Ideya. Collect the shards by beating up Minions; the more shards you collect within the Mare time limit, the stronger the Ideya will get. You are then ranked based on the strength of the Ideya at the end of the Mare. In addition, collecting Chips and getting Links contributes to something called "Nightopian influence', which relates to the A-Life. Basically it's like achieving a good score through the chip and link system (maybe links still buy more time) you 'purify' the Dream, so in addition to your Ideya score you also get a Nightopia score like before. So this would require a lot more Minions per level, and in this method, separating from NiGHTS might have to happen differently.. umm.. like, a 'Duality' bar? Each time you get hit your duality strength weakens..I'm not sure about this..

I hope this doesn't sound too confusing..

OMG!!!!!!!! That is the best idea i have ever heard!!!!!!!!!!! I personally hate being hit by enemies so this, " Duality" bar sounds good to me!!!!!!! :lol:

Major Elliam: NiGHTS? answer me! NiGHTS? NiGHTS!? NiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGHTS!!!

well if it comes to this we can expect NiGHTS ta get the traditional MGS welcome...
a strip search
naked Nightmare anyone?

I still wanna see a game that takes place before NiGHTS was, more or less, a "good guy". and now for a few Metal Gear NiGHTS moments...

NiGHTS: Weapons and Equipment O.S.P?
Major Elliam: Nope! Agent Arch just confirmed you won't be getting any guns on the NiGHTS 3 rumor board.
NiGHTS: least I got my smokes...
Dr. Clair: How did you manage that?
NiGHTS: my hat

NiGHTS: cripe! being nude apparently affects my ability to break ppl's necks!

Holy, @$$#&%**!!!!! You are crazy!!!!! No offence, by the way. ;)

Geez... this dicussion IS going in more directions thana DDR pad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#47561 Lost Park Bomb Panic

Posted by PenMaren on 16 April 2008 - 07:57 PM in [ARCHiVED] JOD Discussion

I know. The bomb level is rather easy if you get into it. God, I don't exactly care about links, but in order to beat the game you have to get them. :D

#47412 Rumor: NiGHTS 3

Posted by PenMaren on 15 April 2008 - 08:11 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I don't know. I am confused.??????????????????????????? :D I would like it if there was a N iGHTS 3, but I hate waiting. What do u think??? Will there be a NiGHTS 3???????????????