Liferien was sitting on the edge of her windowsill, thinking long and hard. The Red Moon was coming up and she was deathly afraid of being left out (or being paired up with Jackle) and was naturally stressing. She sighed, It seemed more and more likely that she would end up with one of the newer 'marens or another elementals (Wizeman wanted more of them to "cover all weaknesses"). Unfortunately all of those options were either taken or jerks. The entrance to Life's lair appered for a second, then the wall reformed, signalling a new precense in the room.
Danetia was concerned abut her friend, she herself had been courted already by a strapping young 'maren by the name of ZiGs. Now sporting a black and white zig-zag cape as the token of their partnership, she mentally slapped herself for not taking it off before coming to console her friend. "Hey Life" she half-sang in her melodic voice. the aformentioned nightmaren mearly grunted in responce. "Hey, come on." She said, trying to cheer her up "Most of the higher ups dont have partners yet, you may be a lucky girl this time". There was a pause and a glare shot in the plant-controlling nightmarens direction. "baah" Life imitated, turning her back on her friend. Danetia was really starting to get angry "hey, dont belive those jerks, you wouldn't have to partner with a shleep". She flew up to her friend and dragged her out of her lair and through the grand hallways of the Nightmare stronghold "we're gonna find you a guy" she said, determined.
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Member Since 06 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Dec 04 2008 11:51 PM