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Member Since 06 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2008 11:51 PM

In Topic: NiGHTS - REQUiEM of Dreams

10 June 2008 - 07:05 AM

life managed to block some of the needles by creating her water whips, but others hit her hard. one hit the gem in the centre of the persona, cracking it. Life was sent to her knees, clutching where one of the needles pierced her arm. she looked up at frosty, a disgusted look on her face. she was faltered again, the pain getting to her, she did'nt even feel like she could get up again

In Topic: NiGHTS - REQUiEM of Dreams

09 June 2008 - 12:43 AM

A wall of water melted the ice before it reached the mask. Life turned to Nyclone, smiling at the fire. with a wave of her hand, a tunnel of water covered the flames, preventing them from spreading. "I cannot allow you to destroy this mask...." she said coldly "my duty is clear now, and none of you..ROUGES will get the better of me". she concentranted on the water, holding it firm. she had to get Reala out of here, but she had no idea how at the moment.

In Topic: NiGHTS - REQUiEM of Dreams

07 June 2008 - 11:03 PM

Life looked down at Reala, she had encoutered him in the past, but he had never been so outnumbered. He was well and truely defeated, and Liferien should feel glad right? After all, he was pure evil. As she looked at him, something in her jacket felt warm, it was the broken persona mask from so many moons ago. she felt unatturally warm, like she was on fire. she wrapped her arms around herself, doubling over in pain.

The shields around nyclone and the dreamers abruptly vanished, as a torrent of water was launched in Nyclone's direction. "Four on one dosent seem particularaly fair, does it?" she half-yelled over the sound of her torrent. It hit nyclone side on, leaving him about 2 feet from his original position. Her power wan't that great, but she could still distract them. the mask, once again was whole and over her eyes, and she was going to make sure Reala got through this.

In Topic: NiGHTS - REQUiEM of Dreams

06 June 2008 - 01:50 AM

Nodding to Illusia, she extended her power to where the dreamers were, creating the ever familliar dome of water to shield them from any oncoming attacks. She shighed, it may take some out of her, but at least she was helping again. She sat back in the air and watched the battle, hoping that she wouldn't be needed to actually fight.

In Topic: NiGHTS - REQUiEM of Dreams

06 June 2008 - 01:06 AM

Life had been minding her own buissnes, well she was kinda spacing out. She snapped back to reality when she heard a fight occuring. Seems like Reala had come upon the scene, and was making a rukus over...TORiAS? Life shook her head, no way was she getting involved in this. It seemed a new maren had appeared on the chene as well, and was currently taking Life's job at shielding the dreamers. She sighed, there went her usefulness. She looked around the assembled group, spotting Nyclone going to blows with an infuriated Reala. Life summoned a water shiled for Nyclone, not only woul it protect him from oncoming blows, but it would increase the power of his electrical attacks.