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Member Since 20 Mar 2008Offline Last Active Feb 01 2009 09:03 PM
Profile Feed
Musashi_HUmar → Lunia
Well, as long as you had fun and nothing bad happened, that's all that matters! lol
Jun 09 2008 10:33 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Lunia
I moved not that long ago myself. It's a pain, isn't it? I've been busy with stuff like the NiGHTS Online project and other things in my life.
May 01 2008 08:56 PM
Lunia → Musashi_HUmar
Yeah! I havent been online for a week or so cos I've moved house. I'm fine thanks, u? Havent been up to much.. just arranging my room
Apr 30 2008 12:05 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Lunia
Thank you! I'll keep that in mind. We're going to need support from everyone on here to get this project off the ground!
Mar 29 2008 12:36 AM
Lunia → Musashi_HUmar
Sounds cool, I'd love to use him in that ^^
If you need any help with anything, just ask!
Mar 29 2008 12:34 AM
If you need any help with anything, just ask!
Musashi_HUmar → Lunia
Well hopefully within a few months, you'll be able to use JAZZi in the NiGHTS MMO fan game that Murder'sLastCrow and myself are working on. Since Sega won't use my idea, I'm making it myself! With some help of course.
Mar 29 2008 12:29 AM