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Member Since 29 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2008 12:34 AM

In Topic: The next Nights SOUNDTRACK!

29 February 2008 - 07:48 PM

Since i cant find a mentioning on this, did anyoen one want a song from this soundtrack or soemthing?
I boguht it awhile ago, D: But, well, things have been slow for me

In Topic: Crique du Freak (Manga or Novel)

14 February 2008 - 01:13 AM

I've got the first book of the series and have yet to read it.

The manga seems interesting, of course, all the pretty art captures my eye. But I haven't seen anymore of the manga aside the first chapter.

Hmm, the full First Manga issue in englihs should be up on the net somewhere XD

In Topic: Another NiGHTS

09 February 2008 - 06:51 PM

It be nice if it was D:


25 January 2008 - 03:12 AM

Ill give you try~

Nick: My name on there is either Hakunio or Jun (for sasajun)
Name: Hakunio Sasajun Jenriin (佩く丹於 ジん吏員)

Posted Image
(My current avatar on i did on Message, Lj, and ect)

Code: 0516-5980-2526
Extra: "I am very excited to grant entrance to many NiGHTS fans to my garden, and to speed race with people over the internet"
Email: [email protected] (Prease note, if you receive a reply from me, and there is Japanese or Chinese symbols in reply, thats because of Chinese address, and I'm terrible sorry)

In Topic: Pan's Labyrinth

21 January 2008 - 08:37 PM

XD What made me want to see it the most, was cause i only saw part of the movie on a japanese tv show, where they showed that CLip, and it looked like Silent Hill scary. XD Sadl,y tha twas the only SH type scary part in the movie

My cousin brought this up, but what if all the things in the movie, were just her imagination, you know? The only thing was the Root thing, cause she got it from Fawn, and not somewhere else. But alot of stuff, you can always point out "Well, this happened, but looking at it like this, this could have happened as well" You know what i mena O_o?