Probably is one on this book, and i just don't know it O_o
But yeah, free country, so i make one anyways
Has anyone else read this book series, or seen the Manga?
(It does a lot better then Harry Potter in japan, from what i have heard and seen from people)
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Crique du Freak (Manga or Novel)
21 January 2008 - 08:41 PM
NiGHTS Walkthrough (wanna Help?)
14 January 2008 - 02:33 AM
I want some Help typing up a Guide for the game anyone want to help?
I want some Help typing up a Guide for the game anyone want to help?
NiGHTS Journey of Dreams
Let your Dreams Go free
Spread out your Arms
And Fly!
To reach me, contact me with this
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
AOL: Masqueradeprince
Y!M: dr_kurodo_akabane
Alright! everyone knows what to do, CTRL +F to find the Areas in this Guide, or, for
the heck of it,just go in order and find it yourself XD Either way, there is STILL a
table of content! Just pick the location or such and ta da!
Quick thanks before you read this, that way, you see these first
Thanks too
SEGA/Sonic Team for making another NiGHTS after 11 LONG YEARS!
Trippy for Getting me into NiGHTS and making me interested in it
Enzeru For getting me into Jesters and NiGHTS also
Mk, lets get started
1. Introduction
a. Characters [INCH]
b. Bosses [INBO]
2. Helen
a. Beginning [HEBG]
b. Dream Gate [HEDG]
c. Aqua Garden: Chase [AGCH]
d. Aqua Garden: Challenge [AGCL]
e. Aqua Garden: Link [AGLK]
f. Aqua Garden: Escape [AGES]
g. Aqua Garden: Boss [AGBO]
h. Dream Gate 2 [HED2]
i. Crystal Castle: Chase [CCCH]
j. Crystal Castle: Link [CCLK]
k. Crystal Castle: Labyrinth [CCLB]
l. Crystal Castle: Jewel [CCJM]
m. Crystal Castle: Boss [CCBO]
n. Dream Gate 3 [HED3]
o. Memory Forest: Chase [MFCH]
p. Memory Forest: Adventrue [MFAD]
q. Memory Forest: Link [MFLK]
r. Memory Forest: Concert [MFCR]
s. Memory Forest: Boss [MFBO]
t. Dream Gate 4 [HED4]
u. Bellbridge: Chase [HEBR]
3. Will
a. Beginning [WIBG]
b. Dream Gate [WIDG]
c. Pure Valley: Chase [PVCH]
d. Pure Valley: Link [PVLK]
e. Pure Valley: Catch [PVCH]
f. Pure Valley: River [PVRR]
g. Pure Valley: Boss [PVBO]
h. Dream Gate 2 [WID2]
i. Lost Park: Chase [LPCH]
j. Lost Park: Bomb [LPBP]
k. Lost Park: Link [LPLK]
l. Lost Park: Coster [LPCR]
m. Lost Park: Boss [LPBO]
n. Dream Gate 3 [WID3]
o. Delight City: Chase/Battle [DCCH]
p. Delight City: Enemy [DCEE]
q. Delight City: Link [DCLK]
r. Delight City: Guide [DCCG]
s. Delight City: Boss [DCBO]
t. Dream Gate 4 [WID4]
u. Bellbridge: Chase [WIBR]
4. Miscellaneous
a. Dream Drops [NJDD]
b. My Dream [NJMD]
8. Frequently Asked Questions [FRAQ]
Characters - [INCH]
~Okay! Be careful of Spoilers ahead~
Just ot let the score settle, I'm gonna refer to NiGHTS a a He, or So, They do that
in the game, but thats for Politeness, NiGHTS doesn't HAVE A real confirmed
Gender, thus the Male/Female voice! Mk~
NiGHTS: This is a Very Playful fellow, eh? NiGHTS is a Jester who flys, and when
you Dualize with him, you get to fly with him as well. He is wanted by Wizeman for
Unknown Purposes.
Helen Cartwright
Age: 12
Likes: Violin
A very Friendly little Girl, who keeps ditching her stupid Violin lessons!
She keeps letting her mother down, by skipping on her Lessons, while her Recital
is only days away.
William Taylor
Age: 12
Likes: Soccer
(A.K.A Will): Will is a Energetic Kid! He likes to Play Soccer, but doesn't
trust his Friends and teammates like he should. He is disappointed cause his
father has to go away on a trip.
Owl: DOESN'T HE TICK YOU OFF? Well, he is a Very Firm, and smart Creature,
who will help guide you and NiGHTS and help you understand the works of this
Nightopians: This cute fellows can be scene just about anywhere. After a while,
you will be able to keep them as A-lifes in your own garden.
Bosses - [INBO]
Reala: He is the Evil NiGHTS look alike! AHHH! He works for Wizeman. You will
see him RIGHT away! He is very muscular, and hot >_> But besides that. He is
also the one who traps NiGHTS like crazy (cant he tell that doesn't work?!)
Dobalon: He replaced the Old villain Puffy. Dobalon is a BIG FAT Clown, He is in a
weird, dark place, with Circus related Items.
Chamelan: This maren, sadly, is the replacement of Jackle. He is a total mystery
and trickster. From sending attacking cards to blending in with his surroundings.
Cerberus: He is a New one from my Knowledge. This is a Two.. or Wait.. Three
headed dog monster. He has a small dog house, and the first time you meet him
he has one head, the second time, the third one appers. Bad Dog!
Girana: This is the replacement of either Gulwing or Glupo. Im soo bad that I forgot
Anyways. This is a BIG FLISHY He is in an Underwater type Chamber with
Green candles and a Big Appitite.
Bombamba: a Cat like Witch, who replaces Clawz in this game. She has MANY
cats, like a crazy cat lady, ya know? Like a Crazy Cat Lady, her cats will attack!
Queen Bella: Another new one. She is a very victorina spider. Laying her bomb like
eggs, she stays high above a pit of, Lava? Weird mix. Becareful, she may not
attack you, but her bomb eggs can cause a Fire Gyser.
Wizeman: NOT WIZEHAND! I hear that one alot >_o This is the ringmaster behind
all the Marens attacking you. But, I wonder, WHY is he attacking you? a
connected past perhaps? and NO! HE ISNT A FATHER FIGURE TO WILL! Sadly
that was jsut a Rumor... Or maybe O_o in the FINAL MIX edition of NiGHTS XD
Beginning - [HEBG]
Well, it starts off with a Girl named Helen, and her Mother playing the Violin. But
when her phone rings, she starts to leave her mother and go off with her friends,
even though her recital is days away. As she is walking with her friends, she
looks into a Window of a store, and starts to think of her Mother, that Thought of
her mother turns bad, and everyone around her turns to dark shadows. She starts
to run, when she sees a White Light. She spreads her arms, and runs into the
Light, only to land in...
Dream Gate - [HEDG]
When you first enter it, Your will notice, its REALLY dark (best to play in the dark,
and not to have glares on the TV screen). Owl will come flying to you, and great
you. You will then Encounter NiGHTS, and be asked to do a a Quick tryout on
the Flying.
First you will be asked to go Pick a Controller. I, personally used a Gamecube
Controller to finish the game, but the Wii controller with or without the nunchuck.
After you got that down with, you will then be asked to fly around in Circles, it wont
be too hard, just push the stick to the Right. After that, you will get to Fly thought
the Loops and Collect Blue Chips. You may Notice, while flying, you will hear a
Twinkling sound when going to place and place, such as in the Wind-tunnel, but
to get these, please read RyokoSparda's Dream Drop Guide.
Pretty much ,Owl will help you with this process, for the heck of it, i don't like to
attack the Nitemarens, i like to Paraloop them ,you know, you get used to
Paralooping, and it will save them to your My Dream area. Anyways, once your
Done, you will be back in the Dream Area, and a Door will appear.
Before you go into that door, prepare for a Video with..... REALA Okay, after
Reala does his part, go into the Door!
Chase - [AGCH]
This will be Standard, you can walk around all you like here, But heads up, there is
a Little walking time limit in the right hand corner at the bottom of the screen. thats
called the Awaker, you want to Climb the chain and get to NiGHTS before that
thing goes off.
Okay, you may first notice, that there are Birds, and NiGHTS is in a Cage. Run to
the cage, and climb the chain to reach NiGHTS. Now here is the fun part, chase
the birds. There isn't much I can tell you in these levels, because tis kinda
Standard, Chase the birds, and catch up with them.
When you Catch up with the Birds, you will receive attack them, and receive a Key,
in which you fly back to the Cage (Heads up, if you JUST pass the cage after you
hit the bird, just fly backwards, if the cage isn't near you backwards, then fly
forwards, Now is a good time to be using that Dash button, ya know?
After you finish the First two Bird guys, you will be put into a Wind-tunnel, where
the View point will change, and you will be going at an easy paste. No Paralooping
though, I'm afraid. But no worries. every time I did this level, i always catch the
Last Blue bird in here, you will defiantly catch up with the guy, if not, then i worry,
because the Ari tunnel can take some time, and going though the level again for
this guy can be time costly.
B O S S !
Big Fishy! Don't try to fly up and grab him like you do with most Marens. Paraloop
him as soon as you can. He will be under water half the time, and when he
re-emerges, he will also eat you if you guys get to close, which can kill some of
your time. Okay, after you Paraloop him, he will break into many small colored
Balls. This is were you paraloop some more, get as many as possible. You will
probably repeat this step again, or you may just have to paraloop the balls once
and THEN attack him once, thats what happened with me.
Depending on How fast you do this, will also depend on your Grade. Just a Heads
up try to get at least a C rank in all levels. It will be helpful!
Beginning - [WIBG]
Well, it starts off with a boy named Will. He is playing in a soccer field with an
older man, his father. But his father has to leave and go on a trip. All the
kids around Will start to laugh, and turn into evil shadows. Will runs away from
them, and then he sees a light. He spreads his arms out and lands in...
Dream Gate - [WIDG]
When you first enter it, Your will notice, its REALLY dark (best to play in the dark,
and not to have glares on the TV screen). Owl will come flying to you, and great
you. You will then Encounter NiGHTS, and be asked to do a a Quick tryout on
First you will be asked to go Pick a Controller. I, personally used a Gamecube
Controller to finish the game, but the Wii controller with or without the nunchuck.
After you got that down with, you will then be asked to fly around in Circles, it wont
be too hard, just push the stick to the Right. After that, you will get to Fly thought
the Loops and Collect Blue Chips. You may Notice, while flying, you will hear a
Twinkling sound when going to place and place, such as in the Wind-tunnel, but
to get these, please read RyokoSparda's Dream Drop Guide.
Pretty much, Owl will help you with this process, for the heck of it, i don't like to
attack the Nitemarens, i like to Paraloop them, you know, you get used to
Paralooping, and it will save them to your My Dream area. Anyways, once your
Done, you will be back in the Dream Area, and a Door will appear.
Chase mission - [PVCH]
A = I think it is 80000
DD = 04
NiGHTS is playing his Flute OwO I love it when NiGHTS does that! Cute little
creatures in the video right? if you started with Will, then this will be your first
encounter with Reala. He is all flirtatious with NiGHTS (DRAMA!) He has a Weird
Voice, eh? (Listen to the Old Owl, eh boy?) WTF!?! Oh well, i find it sexy =w= Owl
will explain a lot of this with you, and the Ideya business.. ANYWAYS
Same for Helen, walk around as long as you like, just watch out for the Awaker in
the bottom corner (the circle at the bottom of the screen) Though, the Cage is on
a short Chain, so its cool!
Okay, you may first notice, that there are Birds, and NiGHTS is in a Cage. Run to
the cage, and climb the chain to reach NiGHTS. Now here is the fun part, chase
the birds. There isn't much I can tell you in these levels, because its kinda
Standard, Chase the birds, and catch up with them.
I didn't miss any of the birds my first try but if you do, remember, if you catch one
right after you pass the capture Cage, just fly backwards. Note this level is a good
start for paralooping Sheep Maren and also some Peians!
Oh Oh! also go for those C ranks!
B O S S !
Boss: Donbalon
Okay, this it pretty easy. ll you need to do, is go fly up to Him, and you will grab
on to him. Steady your aim, and hit him upwards and Break the Gate. When you
do that, you will eventually have to break another Gate that is upwards, and he will
be defeated. Be careful. Dashing into him will push him into the direction you
dashed at. So, Dash, but just fly when you get close to him.
He is pretty simple, just aim upwards, mk? watch out for the side glass things, he
sometimes wont go through them, and will come back to you!
Link Challenge - [PVLK]
A = I think it is 100 (i got 134)
DD = 01
LOOK! ITS OCTOPAW! God, i love it when NiGHTS says that it makes me high.
HEADS UP, like the chase Mission, Octopaw is in EVERY stage! so get used to
him. He is pretty much an Octopus, who makes Blue Chips, loops, and black
Okay, first off, don't dash UNLESS your going from one loop set to another set.
seriously. Don't be afraid to paraloop the blue chips either. I have spoken!
Fluffy Catch - [PVCH]
A = I think it is 1900 (I got 1970)
DD = 01
Okay, its simple, look in the corner of the screen to see a small map, you are the
Purple dot, and the Peians are the white ones, stay near the area of the white dots,
and paraloop them before they get into the black hole in the sky. Its kinda hard at
first, but all you need to do is make sure you don't lost 5, or else its Nights Over!
Plus! don't bother with the Dream drop until your good at this, and you finished the
level. it feels like forever sometimes. this is a TIME limit level, meaning keep them
alive UNTIL the time is up.seriously.
River Rescue - [PVRR]
A = I think it is 14000
DD = 02
of in this case, a boat. Weird eh? well, it will get worse, trust me XD Anyways, I
personally went fast a lot in this level, and i IGNORED the stupid Owl. Though, then
again, i got a B when i go fast O_o and the A i had was Luck! anyways, get as
many as possible as FAST as possible (like Linking) to get a better score.
the First Fork, er, Rock in the road, turn to the left, there is a line of Peians there.
then after the fall, stick very far to the right, because if you don't, you will try to
later, and just miss all the Peians. keep going. Jump on the Nitemarens in your
way. the 2 Rock in the road, go Right. when you reach the part where owl says
you should slow down this part. I personally wouldn't, when i did, i missed or didn't
get the Peians fast enough, and i lose form the time limit. Just go fast here, its
kinda hard to miss all the peians, ill tell you that!
B O S S ! V S 2
Boss: Donbalon - [PVBO]
A = 150 i believe
Pretty much the same same as the previous battle. will take a lot of you hard time though.
the Tower is longer now i think. Anyways, there is marts where you have to hold
him and wait for an opening, such as the parts with the Circus Carts and such.
Pretty basic! Oh! Be careful, this is the one level that you DON'T want to mess up!
Dream Gate - [WID2]
Hurray! One door down, 2 more to go (1/3 down already? that was fast!
A blue chest will appear in front of you. as Will, run up and open the chest. Inside
is a Dolphin mask. to equip the Dolphin Persona Mask as NiGHTS, click the Left
arrow in the remote your using (the not stick your using either)
Now, if your after dream drops, I wait until AFTER YOU FINISHED THE 3ed
DOOR! Why? well, in order to get two of the Dream Drops in the Dream Gate level,
you will need two different mask, the Dolphin Mask, and the Dragon Mask, which
isn't easy as it sounds, Why? its not WHERE you get it thats hard, its HOW. you
have to go to NiGHTS and do the Tutorial. Ill tell the Location of the Dolphin one. Its
pretty logical, its in the big Lake during the Tutorial part. Also! to do a quick change
just go into the water, you will change into a dolphin.
Oh! before i forget to mention, there is a New Door, its the My Dream door. its a
very nice place that keeps you Peians and Marens (like the Chao Garden!) Your
first time being in the MD world will probably be blank (you actually unlock it after
the first mission, not the first door.) But after playing for a while, it will grow
mountains, a city background maybe, and Miscellaneous objects!
Chase Mission - [LPCH]
A = I think it is 75000
DD = 04
Gah, you know the drill. all i can really say is that, there is a dream drop that you
may want to get BEFORE the level (so you don't have the do this level all over
again) go IMMEDIATELY to the left when your Will. you will see a tower with a Tree on
it, and stairs, it may seem like you wont make it back to NiGHTS on time, but do
this right away, and you will. Climb the stairs to the top, and a Dream Drop is there!
Fall down, and get to the other stairs that leads you back to the top of the level,
and go back to NiGHTS, and chase the Birds!
This level is a bit different, right? hitting the Televisions into the Oasis is a good idea
because you will get more Loops and Blue Chips, also help the trains on the
second bird, the train will puff out smoke and make Blue Chips.
B O S S !
Boss: Chamelan
Okay, this is basic, and if you seen the Videos on Youtube of this boss battle, you
will defiantly know what to do. at first, just fly and paraloop the air, and stay away
from the attacking cards. When the background is all ????, thats when you keep
Paralooping until you see Cards. follow the cards until you get to the Aces. He will
be in the middle of a Circle of Aces. Paraloop him as fast as you can. If you don't,
you May have to repeat this step over again! He may move a lot, which makes
things hard. But besides that, this is simple.
Bomb Panic - [LPBP]
A = ??
DD = 01
This is acutally very easy if you LISTEN TO THE OWL! My first try, i didnt know
you where supposed to go for the chains, cause i ignored the owl telling me so, so
all this is, is Use the Persona Dolphin, and dash into the chains. Very simple, and
not too hard. Oh! the dream drop is on the ground some where behind the starting
point, refer to the guide for more info
Link Challenge - [LPLK]
A = ??
DD = 01
Another simple Octopaw Chase. All you need to do is ust follow him. Nothing i can
Really say here besides the basic Octopaw Information.
Coster Rescue - [LPCR]
A = ??
DD = 02
This is acutally kinda fun. Your Coster NiGHTS again, this time, you jsut need to
save them Pians again.The dream drops are very noticible in this levle too. One is
on a cliff over the Track, the other is after exsiting the main Cavern. Remember,
dont always look, Listen. for the little chime, or if your in a level, where the Chime
sound cant be heard well cause of the backtground music, walk in the area, and
listen for a louder chime saying that you got it.
B O S S ! V S 2
Boss: Chamelan - [LPBO]
A = ??
Pretty much the same same as the previous battle. Not too hard. the only
difference is that when you get close to the Aces, if MIGHT not be him, it
may be a Bomb, If you dont see Chamelan as SOON as possible, run
twards the bottom, in the opposite dirrection before the bomb goes off.
If it IS a bomb, you will have to keep looking for him. Its not too difficult.
Thats all i have so far ._.
EDIT - JAN 15 (1:12 AM )
I edited this, and added more, and got rid of my Terrible remarks about
Bootleg chaos. It didnt mean it, i was jsut being stupid while typing this.
Also added mroe Boss info (as usless as that is!) But this is a serious
project. I have had alot of time in this game where i wish there was a
guide on GAMEFAQS or something.
I want some Help typing up a Guide for the game anyone want to help?
NiGHTS Journey of Dreams
Let your Dreams Go free
Spread out your Arms
And Fly!
To reach me, contact me with this
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
AOL: Masqueradeprince
Y!M: dr_kurodo_akabane
Alright! everyone knows what to do, CTRL +F to find the Areas in this Guide, or, for
the heck of it,just go in order and find it yourself XD Either way, there is STILL a
table of content! Just pick the location or such and ta da!
Quick thanks before you read this, that way, you see these first
Thanks too
SEGA/Sonic Team for making another NiGHTS after 11 LONG YEARS!
Trippy for Getting me into NiGHTS and making me interested in it
Enzeru For getting me into Jesters and NiGHTS also
Mk, lets get started
1. Introduction
a. Characters [INCH]
b. Bosses [INBO]
2. Helen
a. Beginning [HEBG]
b. Dream Gate [HEDG]
c. Aqua Garden: Chase [AGCH]
d. Aqua Garden: Challenge [AGCL]
e. Aqua Garden: Link [AGLK]
f. Aqua Garden: Escape [AGES]
g. Aqua Garden: Boss [AGBO]
h. Dream Gate 2 [HED2]
i. Crystal Castle: Chase [CCCH]
j. Crystal Castle: Link [CCLK]
k. Crystal Castle: Labyrinth [CCLB]
l. Crystal Castle: Jewel [CCJM]
m. Crystal Castle: Boss [CCBO]
n. Dream Gate 3 [HED3]
o. Memory Forest: Chase [MFCH]
p. Memory Forest: Adventrue [MFAD]
q. Memory Forest: Link [MFLK]
r. Memory Forest: Concert [MFCR]
s. Memory Forest: Boss [MFBO]
t. Dream Gate 4 [HED4]
u. Bellbridge: Chase [HEBR]
3. Will
a. Beginning [WIBG]
b. Dream Gate [WIDG]
c. Pure Valley: Chase [PVCH]
d. Pure Valley: Link [PVLK]
e. Pure Valley: Catch [PVCH]
f. Pure Valley: River [PVRR]
g. Pure Valley: Boss [PVBO]
h. Dream Gate 2 [WID2]
i. Lost Park: Chase [LPCH]
j. Lost Park: Bomb [LPBP]
k. Lost Park: Link [LPLK]
l. Lost Park: Coster [LPCR]
m. Lost Park: Boss [LPBO]
n. Dream Gate 3 [WID3]
o. Delight City: Chase/Battle [DCCH]
p. Delight City: Enemy [DCEE]
q. Delight City: Link [DCLK]
r. Delight City: Guide [DCCG]
s. Delight City: Boss [DCBO]
t. Dream Gate 4 [WID4]
u. Bellbridge: Chase [WIBR]
4. Miscellaneous
a. Dream Drops [NJDD]
b. My Dream [NJMD]
8. Frequently Asked Questions [FRAQ]
Characters - [INCH]
~Okay! Be careful of Spoilers ahead~
Just ot let the score settle, I'm gonna refer to NiGHTS a a He, or So, They do that
in the game, but thats for Politeness, NiGHTS doesn't HAVE A real confirmed
Gender, thus the Male/Female voice! Mk~
NiGHTS: This is a Very Playful fellow, eh? NiGHTS is a Jester who flys, and when
you Dualize with him, you get to fly with him as well. He is wanted by Wizeman for
Unknown Purposes.
Helen Cartwright
Age: 12
Likes: Violin
A very Friendly little Girl, who keeps ditching her stupid Violin lessons!
She keeps letting her mother down, by skipping on her Lessons, while her Recital
is only days away.
William Taylor
Age: 12
Likes: Soccer
(A.K.A Will): Will is a Energetic Kid! He likes to Play Soccer, but doesn't
trust his Friends and teammates like he should. He is disappointed cause his
father has to go away on a trip.
Owl: DOESN'T HE TICK YOU OFF? Well, he is a Very Firm, and smart Creature,
who will help guide you and NiGHTS and help you understand the works of this
Nightopians: This cute fellows can be scene just about anywhere. After a while,
you will be able to keep them as A-lifes in your own garden.
Bosses - [INBO]
Reala: He is the Evil NiGHTS look alike! AHHH! He works for Wizeman. You will
see him RIGHT away! He is very muscular, and hot >_> But besides that. He is
also the one who traps NiGHTS like crazy (cant he tell that doesn't work?!)
Dobalon: He replaced the Old villain Puffy. Dobalon is a BIG FAT Clown, He is in a
weird, dark place, with Circus related Items.
Chamelan: This maren, sadly, is the replacement of Jackle. He is a total mystery
and trickster. From sending attacking cards to blending in with his surroundings.
Cerberus: He is a New one from my Knowledge. This is a Two.. or Wait.. Three
headed dog monster. He has a small dog house, and the first time you meet him
he has one head, the second time, the third one appers. Bad Dog!
Girana: This is the replacement of either Gulwing or Glupo. Im soo bad that I forgot
Anyways. This is a BIG FLISHY He is in an Underwater type Chamber with
Green candles and a Big Appitite.
Bombamba: a Cat like Witch, who replaces Clawz in this game. She has MANY
cats, like a crazy cat lady, ya know? Like a Crazy Cat Lady, her cats will attack!
Queen Bella: Another new one. She is a very victorina spider. Laying her bomb like
eggs, she stays high above a pit of, Lava? Weird mix. Becareful, she may not
attack you, but her bomb eggs can cause a Fire Gyser.
Wizeman: NOT WIZEHAND! I hear that one alot >_o This is the ringmaster behind
all the Marens attacking you. But, I wonder, WHY is he attacking you? a
connected past perhaps? and NO! HE ISNT A FATHER FIGURE TO WILL! Sadly
that was jsut a Rumor... Or maybe O_o in the FINAL MIX edition of NiGHTS XD
Beginning - [HEBG]
Well, it starts off with a Girl named Helen, and her Mother playing the Violin. But
when her phone rings, she starts to leave her mother and go off with her friends,
even though her recital is days away. As she is walking with her friends, she
looks into a Window of a store, and starts to think of her Mother, that Thought of
her mother turns bad, and everyone around her turns to dark shadows. She starts
to run, when she sees a White Light. She spreads her arms, and runs into the
Light, only to land in...
Dream Gate - [HEDG]
When you first enter it, Your will notice, its REALLY dark (best to play in the dark,
and not to have glares on the TV screen). Owl will come flying to you, and great
you. You will then Encounter NiGHTS, and be asked to do a a Quick tryout on
the Flying.
First you will be asked to go Pick a Controller. I, personally used a Gamecube
Controller to finish the game, but the Wii controller with or without the nunchuck.
After you got that down with, you will then be asked to fly around in Circles, it wont
be too hard, just push the stick to the Right. After that, you will get to Fly thought
the Loops and Collect Blue Chips. You may Notice, while flying, you will hear a
Twinkling sound when going to place and place, such as in the Wind-tunnel, but
to get these, please read RyokoSparda's Dream Drop Guide.
Pretty much ,Owl will help you with this process, for the heck of it, i don't like to
attack the Nitemarens, i like to Paraloop them ,you know, you get used to
Paralooping, and it will save them to your My Dream area. Anyways, once your
Done, you will be back in the Dream Area, and a Door will appear.
Before you go into that door, prepare for a Video with..... REALA Okay, after
Reala does his part, go into the Door!
Chase - [AGCH]
This will be Standard, you can walk around all you like here, But heads up, there is
a Little walking time limit in the right hand corner at the bottom of the screen. thats
called the Awaker, you want to Climb the chain and get to NiGHTS before that
thing goes off.
Okay, you may first notice, that there are Birds, and NiGHTS is in a Cage. Run to
the cage, and climb the chain to reach NiGHTS. Now here is the fun part, chase
the birds. There isn't much I can tell you in these levels, because tis kinda
Standard, Chase the birds, and catch up with them.
When you Catch up with the Birds, you will receive attack them, and receive a Key,
in which you fly back to the Cage (Heads up, if you JUST pass the cage after you
hit the bird, just fly backwards, if the cage isn't near you backwards, then fly
forwards, Now is a good time to be using that Dash button, ya know?
After you finish the First two Bird guys, you will be put into a Wind-tunnel, where
the View point will change, and you will be going at an easy paste. No Paralooping
though, I'm afraid. But no worries. every time I did this level, i always catch the
Last Blue bird in here, you will defiantly catch up with the guy, if not, then i worry,
because the Ari tunnel can take some time, and going though the level again for
this guy can be time costly.
B O S S !
Big Fishy! Don't try to fly up and grab him like you do with most Marens. Paraloop
him as soon as you can. He will be under water half the time, and when he
re-emerges, he will also eat you if you guys get to close, which can kill some of
your time. Okay, after you Paraloop him, he will break into many small colored
Balls. This is were you paraloop some more, get as many as possible. You will
probably repeat this step again, or you may just have to paraloop the balls once
and THEN attack him once, thats what happened with me.
Depending on How fast you do this, will also depend on your Grade. Just a Heads
up try to get at least a C rank in all levels. It will be helpful!
Beginning - [WIBG]
Well, it starts off with a boy named Will. He is playing in a soccer field with an
older man, his father. But his father has to leave and go on a trip. All the
kids around Will start to laugh, and turn into evil shadows. Will runs away from
them, and then he sees a light. He spreads his arms out and lands in...
Dream Gate - [WIDG]
When you first enter it, Your will notice, its REALLY dark (best to play in the dark,
and not to have glares on the TV screen). Owl will come flying to you, and great
you. You will then Encounter NiGHTS, and be asked to do a a Quick tryout on
First you will be asked to go Pick a Controller. I, personally used a Gamecube
Controller to finish the game, but the Wii controller with or without the nunchuck.
After you got that down with, you will then be asked to fly around in Circles, it wont
be too hard, just push the stick to the Right. After that, you will get to Fly thought
the Loops and Collect Blue Chips. You may Notice, while flying, you will hear a
Twinkling sound when going to place and place, such as in the Wind-tunnel, but
to get these, please read RyokoSparda's Dream Drop Guide.
Pretty much, Owl will help you with this process, for the heck of it, i don't like to
attack the Nitemarens, i like to Paraloop them, you know, you get used to
Paralooping, and it will save them to your My Dream area. Anyways, once your
Done, you will be back in the Dream Area, and a Door will appear.
Chase mission - [PVCH]
A = I think it is 80000
DD = 04
NiGHTS is playing his Flute OwO I love it when NiGHTS does that! Cute little
creatures in the video right? if you started with Will, then this will be your first
encounter with Reala. He is all flirtatious with NiGHTS (DRAMA!) He has a Weird
Voice, eh? (Listen to the Old Owl, eh boy?) WTF!?! Oh well, i find it sexy =w= Owl
will explain a lot of this with you, and the Ideya business.. ANYWAYS
Same for Helen, walk around as long as you like, just watch out for the Awaker in
the bottom corner (the circle at the bottom of the screen) Though, the Cage is on
a short Chain, so its cool!
Okay, you may first notice, that there are Birds, and NiGHTS is in a Cage. Run to
the cage, and climb the chain to reach NiGHTS. Now here is the fun part, chase
the birds. There isn't much I can tell you in these levels, because its kinda
Standard, Chase the birds, and catch up with them.
I didn't miss any of the birds my first try but if you do, remember, if you catch one
right after you pass the capture Cage, just fly backwards. Note this level is a good
start for paralooping Sheep Maren and also some Peians!
Oh Oh! also go for those C ranks!
B O S S !
Boss: Donbalon
Okay, this it pretty easy. ll you need to do, is go fly up to Him, and you will grab
on to him. Steady your aim, and hit him upwards and Break the Gate. When you
do that, you will eventually have to break another Gate that is upwards, and he will
be defeated. Be careful. Dashing into him will push him into the direction you
dashed at. So, Dash, but just fly when you get close to him.
He is pretty simple, just aim upwards, mk? watch out for the side glass things, he
sometimes wont go through them, and will come back to you!
Link Challenge - [PVLK]
A = I think it is 100 (i got 134)
DD = 01
LOOK! ITS OCTOPAW! God, i love it when NiGHTS says that it makes me high.
HEADS UP, like the chase Mission, Octopaw is in EVERY stage! so get used to
him. He is pretty much an Octopus, who makes Blue Chips, loops, and black
Okay, first off, don't dash UNLESS your going from one loop set to another set.
seriously. Don't be afraid to paraloop the blue chips either. I have spoken!
Fluffy Catch - [PVCH]
A = I think it is 1900 (I got 1970)
DD = 01
Okay, its simple, look in the corner of the screen to see a small map, you are the
Purple dot, and the Peians are the white ones, stay near the area of the white dots,
and paraloop them before they get into the black hole in the sky. Its kinda hard at
first, but all you need to do is make sure you don't lost 5, or else its Nights Over!
Plus! don't bother with the Dream drop until your good at this, and you finished the
level. it feels like forever sometimes. this is a TIME limit level, meaning keep them
alive UNTIL the time is up.seriously.
River Rescue - [PVRR]
A = I think it is 14000
DD = 02
of in this case, a boat. Weird eh? well, it will get worse, trust me XD Anyways, I
personally went fast a lot in this level, and i IGNORED the stupid Owl. Though, then
again, i got a B when i go fast O_o and the A i had was Luck! anyways, get as
many as possible as FAST as possible (like Linking) to get a better score.
the First Fork, er, Rock in the road, turn to the left, there is a line of Peians there.
then after the fall, stick very far to the right, because if you don't, you will try to
later, and just miss all the Peians. keep going. Jump on the Nitemarens in your
way. the 2 Rock in the road, go Right. when you reach the part where owl says
you should slow down this part. I personally wouldn't, when i did, i missed or didn't
get the Peians fast enough, and i lose form the time limit. Just go fast here, its
kinda hard to miss all the peians, ill tell you that!
B O S S ! V S 2
Boss: Donbalon - [PVBO]
A = 150 i believe
Pretty much the same same as the previous battle. will take a lot of you hard time though.
the Tower is longer now i think. Anyways, there is marts where you have to hold
him and wait for an opening, such as the parts with the Circus Carts and such.
Pretty basic! Oh! Be careful, this is the one level that you DON'T want to mess up!
Dream Gate - [WID2]
Hurray! One door down, 2 more to go (1/3 down already? that was fast!
A blue chest will appear in front of you. as Will, run up and open the chest. Inside
is a Dolphin mask. to equip the Dolphin Persona Mask as NiGHTS, click the Left
arrow in the remote your using (the not stick your using either)
Now, if your after dream drops, I wait until AFTER YOU FINISHED THE 3ed
DOOR! Why? well, in order to get two of the Dream Drops in the Dream Gate level,
you will need two different mask, the Dolphin Mask, and the Dragon Mask, which
isn't easy as it sounds, Why? its not WHERE you get it thats hard, its HOW. you
have to go to NiGHTS and do the Tutorial. Ill tell the Location of the Dolphin one. Its
pretty logical, its in the big Lake during the Tutorial part. Also! to do a quick change
just go into the water, you will change into a dolphin.
Oh! before i forget to mention, there is a New Door, its the My Dream door. its a
very nice place that keeps you Peians and Marens (like the Chao Garden!) Your
first time being in the MD world will probably be blank (you actually unlock it after
the first mission, not the first door.) But after playing for a while, it will grow
mountains, a city background maybe, and Miscellaneous objects!
Chase Mission - [LPCH]
A = I think it is 75000
DD = 04
Gah, you know the drill. all i can really say is that, there is a dream drop that you
may want to get BEFORE the level (so you don't have the do this level all over
again) go IMMEDIATELY to the left when your Will. you will see a tower with a Tree on
it, and stairs, it may seem like you wont make it back to NiGHTS on time, but do
this right away, and you will. Climb the stairs to the top, and a Dream Drop is there!
Fall down, and get to the other stairs that leads you back to the top of the level,
and go back to NiGHTS, and chase the Birds!
This level is a bit different, right? hitting the Televisions into the Oasis is a good idea
because you will get more Loops and Blue Chips, also help the trains on the
second bird, the train will puff out smoke and make Blue Chips.
B O S S !
Boss: Chamelan
Okay, this is basic, and if you seen the Videos on Youtube of this boss battle, you
will defiantly know what to do. at first, just fly and paraloop the air, and stay away
from the attacking cards. When the background is all ????, thats when you keep
Paralooping until you see Cards. follow the cards until you get to the Aces. He will
be in the middle of a Circle of Aces. Paraloop him as fast as you can. If you don't,
you May have to repeat this step over again! He may move a lot, which makes
things hard. But besides that, this is simple.
Bomb Panic - [LPBP]
A = ??
DD = 01
This is acutally very easy if you LISTEN TO THE OWL! My first try, i didnt know
you where supposed to go for the chains, cause i ignored the owl telling me so, so
all this is, is Use the Persona Dolphin, and dash into the chains. Very simple, and
not too hard. Oh! the dream drop is on the ground some where behind the starting
point, refer to the guide for more info
Link Challenge - [LPLK]
A = ??
DD = 01
Another simple Octopaw Chase. All you need to do is ust follow him. Nothing i can
Really say here besides the basic Octopaw Information.
Coster Rescue - [LPCR]
A = ??
DD = 02
This is acutally kinda fun. Your Coster NiGHTS again, this time, you jsut need to
save them Pians again.The dream drops are very noticible in this levle too. One is
on a cliff over the Track, the other is after exsiting the main Cavern. Remember,
dont always look, Listen. for the little chime, or if your in a level, where the Chime
sound cant be heard well cause of the backtground music, walk in the area, and
listen for a louder chime saying that you got it.
B O S S ! V S 2
Boss: Chamelan - [LPBO]
A = ??
Pretty much the same same as the previous battle. Not too hard. the only
difference is that when you get close to the Aces, if MIGHT not be him, it
may be a Bomb, If you dont see Chamelan as SOON as possible, run
twards the bottom, in the opposite dirrection before the bomb goes off.
If it IS a bomb, you will have to keep looking for him. Its not too difficult.
Thats all i have so far ._.
EDIT - JAN 15 (1:12 AM )
I edited this, and added more, and got rid of my Terrible remarks about
Bootleg chaos. It didnt mean it, i was jsut being stupid while typing this.
Also added mroe Boss info (as usless as that is!) But this is a serious
project. I have had alot of time in this game where i wish there was a
guide on GAMEFAQS or something.
31 December 2007 - 09:38 PM
Blah! Im not new, and i just know I have an account on here, But i gave up looking for it.
Some of you May alreayd know me as Elias, Funky, Jounouchi (on DA), Hakunio, Volk-xant, and so on so forth D:
I have been a long time NiGHTS fan (even though the emerican Commercial for the old game used to scare me)
Id love to make many friends on here! So , Yeah, thats really all it O_o
Some of you May alreayd know me as Elias, Funky, Jounouchi (on DA), Hakunio, Volk-xant, and so on so forth D:
I have been a long time NiGHTS fan (even though the emerican Commercial for the old game used to scare me)
Id love to make many friends on here! So , Yeah, thats really all it O_o
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