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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2015 12:35 PM

JoD Score Attack Longplay

08 September 2015 - 12:10 AM

Natively upscaled to 1080p. No world records here, but most of these scores sit comfortably within the Top 3 at NiDScores.com. Could've been higher if I had felt like exploiting the rocket persona.


NiD Score Attack Longplay

13 January 2015 - 05:56 PM

So I got around to finally producing a NiGHTS video for my YT channel and figured I'd share it here. I challenged myself to beat some of the top scores on Steam and nidscores.com, and I think I managed to pull it off on a few stages (I say "think" because there are so many fraudulent scores on the Steam leaderboards that it's hard to tell). Anyway, here's the video:



Time Code / Scores:


0:03:05 - Spring Valley (729,999)
0:14:11 - Mystic Forest (774,620)
0:25:05 - Soft Museum (548,320)
0:36:11 - Twins Seeds (155,860)
0:50:40 - Splash Garden (759,860)
1:02:03 - Frozen Bell (761,311)
1:13:39 - Stick Canyon (673,160)
1:24:47 - Twin Seeds (156,820)


Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!