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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2016 09:11 PM

In Topic: NiGHTS Pumpkins

29 October 2010 - 12:39 PM

Hrmm, I'd like to see a Nightopian pumpkin doing the little singing pose (with the praying hands) from Christmas NiGHTS, it would look pretty cool with a glowing halo. But Jackle with an evil grin would make more sense :P.
Only pumpkin i've ever carved was a smiley face... would love to see some NiGHTS ones. Maybe a giant Ideya?

In Topic: Dancing Reala Glitch

29 October 2010 - 12:17 PM

I came across this video on youtube the other day, made me laugh muchly.
I can just imagine Reala going !@%£##!@ when he spazzes up!
<3 glitches :P