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Member Since 14 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2009 05:28 PM

In Topic: NiGHTS stuff on ebay

29 October 2009 - 07:01 PM

Dreams, I also noticed the shipping cost was a bit more than you quoted me, so I sent you the balance. Thanks again!

You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate it. :)

It was my own stupidity - I had the game guides set aside and forgot to put them in your package when I weighed them. It was only when I was doing the final packing that I realized I'd forgotten... and then, the package ended up being over the weight limit for first class int'l (which I didn't even know there was a weight limit), so it had to be sent priority.

Shipping packages is like a "live-and-learn" experience for me, since I don't have a mail scale. :3

In Topic: The Legend of Zelda

29 October 2009 - 06:58 PM

Link to the Past is my favorite too. The Super NES was my first console (only had the Atari 2800 prior to that), and as soon as I played LttP in... 1993? I fell in love with it. There is something so perfect and fun about the game from beginning to end, and I still love replaying it today.

Ocarina of Time is definitely a close second - how AMAZING that was when it came out!

In Topic: NiGHTS stuff on ebay

28 October 2009 - 05:57 AM

Currently for sale on YJA:

The Sheet Music Book
Perfect Album
OST (many of these now)
Remix Album
Sega Vocal Entertainment
Club Sega 2
Sega Piano Nocturne
PS2 Promo Poster
Dreampack Promo Poster
Behind-the-scenes Wii DVD
PaPetches... always PaPetches
Sega Saturn Series Guidebook
SS Series Guidebook + Official Guidebook
"Capture Certain Victory" Guidebook
NiGHTS/Tobal No. 1 Mini-Guide
Lotsa copies of Hoshi Furu Yoru no Monogatari
The Hoshi Furu Guidebook (which is gorgeous)
The PS2 re-release
The Dreampack
Game + Multi-Controller Box Set
And the usual copies of the original game
Satakore copy of the game
And always lots of Christmas NiGHTS

In Topic: NiGHTS stuff on ebay

24 October 2009 - 12:01 AM

Do they deliver world wide? I'm hoping they do ^___^

No, unfortunately... it says on their FAQ/guide page: 販売は日本国内に限らせていただきます。 (Our sales are limited to within Japan.) But on their order page, they have an option for bank transfer, so I'm sure a deputy service like CELGA could order the shirt for you. You'd have to pay them a fee (it's $10 for items 1,001-10,000 yen), and then pay both the shipping inside Japan, and the final shipping to your address.

But most of the time, it's worth it, IMO. You can check out Celga's site and decide for yourself. :) (And yeah, there are other deputy services out there, but I've used Celga for the past five years and had excellent service, so I definitely recommend them.)

In Topic: NiGHTS stuff on ebay

23 October 2009 - 04:07 PM

I found a NiGHTS t-shirt too:

That t-shirt has been up for at least two years, and the price keeps changing. I had it on my watch list because I intended to buy it but never got around to it.

And actually that shirt, and the other one made by Mars 16, is still available directly from the manufacturer:
The black one - M, L, or XL
The purple one - only XL left

Personally, I like the purple one better. ^^;