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Member Since 14 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Oct 30 2009 05:28 PM
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DARiA → Dreams
Просто захотелось отметить интересную строчку в графе интересов)
Dec 09 2009 07:07 PM
Nemoide → Dreams
I was kind of joking when I was crapping all over the public library. (I have been known to have a pretty odd sense of humor sometimes)
I'm not 100% sure what type of library I want to work in; I'm actually thinking a Film Archive would be really cool - but academic libraries seem neat too. I haven't ruled out public libraries either. BASICALLY anything that isn't a legal,
Oct 22 2009 03:56 AM
I'm not 100% sure what type of library I want to work in; I'm actually thinking a Film Archive would be really cool - but academic libraries seem neat too. I haven't ruled out public libraries either. BASICALLY anything that isn't a legal,
Dreams → Nemoide
lol, I had to keep wondering why someone studying to be a librarian would crap all over a library just because... it's a public one? T_T We're the hub for all 37 branches in the county. Anyway, what do you hope to do with your degree? Any special plans?
Oct 22 2009 03:44 AM
Nemoide → Dreams
THREE BLOCKS OF CLOSED STACKS!? Ok, that is pretty seriously awesome.
Oct 21 2009 05:16 AM
Dreams → Nemoide
lmao... I've been to the UB lib, and they do have a nice selection of materials. But if you haven't been to the two-floor downtown lib that has 3 city blocks of closed stacks and a rare book room, then you can't really judge, can you? :)
Oct 20 2009 10:25 PM
Nemoide → Dreams
Hey the libraries at North Campus probably dwarf the puny "public" ones... and I'm new to the area and... no I haven't yet been to the downtown library. T_T
But I'll surely let you know when I'll drop by... sometime when the school work lightens up!
Oct 20 2009 04:59 AM
But I'll surely let you know when I'll drop by... sometime when the school work lightens up!
Dreams → Nemoide
...You HAVE been to the big downtown library, haven't you, Mr. Library Science Major? -snork-
Oct 20 2009 04:40 AM
Dreams → Nemoide
I'm hidden in the book jail on the second floor where they make me process and mend things 8 hours a day - so do let me know if you're going to stop by, then I can come down on one of my breaks and say hi. ^^
Oct 20 2009 04:39 AM
Nemoide → Dreams
What are the odds!? Since you're so close, I definitely will have to stop in and check out your library. ^_^
Oct 20 2009 03:35 AM
Dreams → Nemoide
Wait... NO WAY. You live in Amherst and go to UB?! I live in Kenmore! I work at the big downtown library! Where are you at? You have to stop in and say hi or something sometime.
Oct 20 2009 12:15 AM