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Member Since 27 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2010 03:55 PM

In Topic: We didn't forget NiGHTS!

02 February 2010 - 05:34 PM

Sure, sure.

Well, just to clear up something there as someone on Twitter misunderstood your post. Was NiGHTS playable and then made a cameo because of my bet so i wouldn't burn my stuff? Because the way i know about it NiGHTS was not in at all prior to the campaign coming in to full swing. The reason NiGHTS is now in the game at all is because the campaign made it happen?

Am i understanding you correctly, yeh?

Aaaand i know you can't talk about DLC so i'll try to phrase a question that you might be able to answer. DLC seems to be happening, what with the Ryo forklift thing. If you were to make NiGHTS DLC would it be effected now that he's a flagman? Like, is the position of flagman jeapordising any chance of making him DLC? (like the character can't be in two places at once)

On the first part - if NiGHTS had have been playable to start with - we certainly wouldn't have changed him to the flagman. I'd be sending you a can of petrol and some matches instead! But then I figure you had enough sources to know he wasn't in before you kicked your campaign into gear... :P

Given where we were in development, it would have been too late to add him as a playable character, so we had a sit down, figured out our best option on how to give him a bigger role than a simple trackside cameo, then did some code and art tests. Lucky for us we had the character from SST, so we had a head start.

We also didn't have a Flagman, so so it seemed a natural way to integrate him.

As I said in my first post, does this affect future DLC? Well, depends on how many copies get sold, and which characters SEGA then may request. Just because he's the flagman now doesn't mean he can't be made into a playable character. If anything we've got a head start since he's built, rigged and animated :P

But as I said before, it's something I can't answer right now. One as this is all purely unofficial conjecture, and second, it's a SEGA decision at the end of the day!


In Topic: We didn't forget NiGHTS!

02 February 2010 - 03:56 PM

S0L. I don't suppose you'd be open to questions at all would you? Probably not but i figured i should ask anyway.

I'm happy to answer some - providing they are ones I can without landing us all in a world of trouble :P


In Topic: You can stop emailing SUMO now XD

05 September 2009 - 05:04 PM

Maybe I should start an email campaign to get Jaleel White to voice Sonic. I'm sure the folks at Sumo will love me for it. :P

Please don't :P

At the rate I keep having to add new forums to my daily end of day trawl, I'll get home ten minutes before I leave to come back to work :P

I did track the guys down in the end too, they're over in the Save Sonic forum. Nice bunch of people, just like here :)


In Topic: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

03 September 2009 - 07:48 PM

Actually, i do have a question for SOL, one that he 'might' be able to actually answer seeing as it's not about characters or courses.

SOL - i'm wondering. Will there be anymore FMV for this game? I know the trailer has been released and it's got some of the line-up in it. But will there be more FMV or longer FMV featuring the rest of the cast or is the one that's been released the one piece of FMV for this game? Just curious.

The FMV you've seen is actually a much shorter (and very nicely edited) version of the full intro. There may well be some more in the game - but guess what - I can't talk about it :)

I really am a broken record...!


In Topic: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

02 September 2009 - 10:08 PM

I got told what it is today. Good luck figuring it out - it's obscure even when you know the answer.

I can't give you any clues before you ask :)
