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Member Since 27 May 2007Offline Last Active Apr 29 2009 03:41 PM
Profile Feed
Purgatory → Niraven
I went offline for a spell. Yeah, a lot of weirdness went down over the past... I lost track. -_- I just kinda needed to flee until I felt better. I'll try and be on later on, if my landlord isn't here.
Mar 16 2008 11:56 AM
Niraven → Purgatory
I miss you too! TT__TT Where've ya been/ why do we keep missing each other? We have catching up to do!!
Mar 16 2008 01:22 AM
TRiPPY → Niraven
ToT sorry sorry I'm so behind on replying to my notes, don't keel meeh
*offers cookie*
Feb 29 2008 09:09 AM
*offers cookie*
Niraven → Purgatory
Huggles forever for the awesome pic of Spade and just being so plain awesome!!! *huggles*
Jan 17 2008 03:53 PM
Niraven → TRiPPY
Darnit I missed your birthday!! T_T I owe you some goodies, I promise I'll make it up to you! *guilt*
Jan 09 2008 04:39 PM