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Community Status Updates
EZEKiAL → Dreamer#96
Well! Nightopia's safe! You guys can choose whether or not we keep going.
Sep 05 2009 05:17 AM
EZEKiAL → Dreamer#96
Hiya! Looks like we've got another Dreamer character! Do I sense a romance? XD
Aug 26 2009 09:30 PM
Dreamer#96 → Jof
Happy Birthday! For this birthday you shall be receiving a unicorn that will take you to Candy mountain. :P
Aug 06 2009 04:02 PM
SegaSaturnGal → Dreamer#96
You visited my profile...now I'm returning the favor! :D
Jan 19 2009 12:48 AM
Dreamer#96 → Lenneth
good luck trying to survive in these forums,its a jungle,a cyber jungle!and you might want to cut the blue wire of the bomb i left in your profile :D
Aug 09 2008 08:55 PM
Dreamer#96 → TRiPPY
you scare me TRiPPY *only when leave me reply's on my post*
May 14 2008 09:40 PM