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Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
http://jamwaa.tumblr.com/post/38623704578/itsbootime-thisurlisunavailable-theres-a?og=1&fb_action_ids=10151468384313888&fb_action_types=tumblr-feed%3Areblog&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210151468384313888%22%3A136966756460706%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151468384313888%22%3A%22tumblr-feed%3Areblog%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D IRN BRU m'loon! :D
Dec 23 2012 01:42 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
eeeewww vegetarian haggis!? XD it must be full of carrots and potatoes instead of yetis and unicorns like normal
Apr 05 2012 10:49 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
The reminds me: vegetarian haggis. How does that exist?
Mar 14 2012 11:10 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
aha.Hahaha.MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was my fiendish plan all along! >8D you'll be playing the bagpipes and eating haggis in no time!
Mar 14 2012 12:21 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
YOU! It's all your fault I have a crippling Irn-Bru addiction! Think of my family! Think of all the money that could be feeding starving children in Africa that I am, instead, wasting upon your sinful Scottish temptress of a beverage!
Mar 13 2012 11:19 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
i now want Majora's Mask to come out on it lol XD and they're actually worth the money! and i havent had a single headache XD
Sep 10 2011 11:44 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
Bleh. No one should be subjected to flat soda!
HOW AWESOME IS OoT?! Also, I have to steal your 3DS. I want one.
Aug 31 2011 04:27 PM
HOW AWESOME IS OoT?! Also, I have to steal your 3DS. I want one.
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
OH! OOOOOOH! because it came out on the 3DS ive FINALLY been playing OoT! in the fire temple just now
Aug 31 2011 11:50 AM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
dur-hur, havent been on in ages XD last friday i bought a can of irn-bru from the canteen at work as i always do, but i opened it up and it was completely flat! D: it was like some kind of goopy syrup lol
Aug 31 2011 11:49 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
Half litre. I wouldn't mind allthelitres, tho.
Jul 23 2011 05:00 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
...touche good sir, you have smited me! how big are these bottles? 2litre? 29litre? allthelitres?
Jul 22 2011 08:56 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
Well, having not had it any other way, how am I to know? :P I shall (*sob*) crack open the last bottle to tell you my thoughts...I dunno about supa fizzy...I'd say ratha fizzy myself. Irn-bru is immune to silly things like going flat!
Jul 22 2011 03:12 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
is it supa fizzy there, or does it go all flat during importing? XD
Jul 21 2011 09:43 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
And we're down to the last bottle! My mum compared the taste to bubblegum medicine, but I like it!
Jul 18 2011 01:26 PM