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Community Status Updates
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
were they cool? :B and DEVOUR THEM OR I WILL! XD
Jul 18 2011 11:10 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
(There were 3, but I drank one)
Jul 15 2011 09:48 PM
(There were 3, but I drank one)
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
I've met Diene and Eternal Fluffy! So ha! And no, no irn-bru yet. :/
Jul 12 2011 12:06 AM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
save up and come to the uk! XD or go to one of the american conventions that NiGHTSy folk go to XD oh yeah, did you actually get to drink any irn-bru lol
Jul 10 2011 11:10 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
D: You make me so sad! I want to meet people!
Jul 10 2011 09:02 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
lol thought i'd get a uniform name and stop confusing myself and others XD and met TRiPPY & DiGi, saw Yuji Naka and Takeshi Iizuka, a typical day really XD
Jul 10 2011 08:15 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
I found the shop that sells, it but it's a few hours away. D: Anything exciting happen at SoS?
Jul 10 2011 06:25 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
(god im slow!) you found the irn-bru yet? :P and SoS was the best thing i've ever been to ever!
Jul 06 2011 09:20 PM
Dex la Cabra
WOAH! WOOOOOOAAAAHHH!!! status updates!? my mind, it has been blown. my body, it is not ready.
Jul 06 2011 11:58 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
You lucky duck, you. Be sure to wear lots of purple for NiGHTS pride when you go! :P
May 28 2011 01:24 AM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
i've been working to save money for summer of sonic, im looking forward to it so much XD buy 2 cans a day! :B thats what i do lately lol
May 27 2011 10:37 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
Minecraft. A whole lot of Minecraft. Also found out that they sell Irn-Bru near me, but no idea where. I'm on a hunt.
May 24 2011 09:22 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
lol fair enough, i know how that feels! XD what've you been up to lately? :B
May 23 2011 08:19 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
Oi! How are you, he who I owe a drawing that I can't get off my lazy butt to finish coloring?
May 03 2011 12:12 AM