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Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
about as healthy as they'll ever be :P what were the odds that this very week DiGi would also be admitted to hospital? although i hope he doesnt have to stay in too long
Mar 18 2010 10:18 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
speaking of health, it was a year this week that i was in hospital :D
Mar 18 2010 12:44 PM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
O.O That's so much Sonic that it probably isn't healthy! :P
Mar 16 2010 06:22 PM
Dex la Cabra → Noctourne Wonderland
:O useless!?! SLOB!?! they're true lol XD i will then lol, he got ASR on the 360 and i got Sonic Classic Collection lol, cause we loves sonic we do :P
Mar 16 2010 09:13 AM
Noctourne Wonderland → Dex la Cabra
You useless slob! Go wish your brother happy birthday! ;D
Mar 16 2010 12:19 AM
Kawaii_NinjaGirl → Dex la Cabra
I know. Well this is just bloody terrific, now we're out of our emeralds :|
Mar 04 2010 07:21 PM
Dex la Cabra → Kawaii_NinjaGirl
i think sonic has them, after all, nipples did ram them down his throat lol
Mar 04 2010 02:21 PM
Kawaii_NinjaGirl → Dex la Cabra
Tsk tsk tsk. This is a very bad situation indeed. We must find our emmerrowds!
Mar 04 2010 02:07 AM
Dex la Cabra → Kawaii_NinjaGirl
that's 2 sets of emmerooowds missing, must be the super emmerooowds aswell!
Mar 03 2010 10:08 PM