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#63966 the awake at 5am thread

Posted by Seleste on 20 October 2008 - 04:25 PM in Community Corner

I wish I could sleep in till 5. But I have to wake up at 4 am to go to work, so that I have the rest of the day to attend university. Bleah =( Feel tired all the time. worse thing is when you have to pull an all nighter for an exam or assignment you just dont go to sleep you just get dressed at 4 xD

But before when I would be awake at those hours of the night/morning I would be inevitably playing video/computer games.

#60010 New Age

Posted by Seleste on 10 August 2008 - 06:58 PM in Community Corner

Have good recommendations of songs?

#57773 The Dark Knight

Posted by Seleste on 18 July 2008 - 09:38 PM in Community Corner

Going to see it this sunday ;O Had to get my tickets during the week though, since they are being sold out.
After I seen Batman begins I have positive expectations of this movie.

#57680 What instument do you think Reala would play?

Posted by Seleste on 17 July 2008 - 03:53 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I agree with people who said harp or lyre.
My reasoning is that you want to make it similar to the NiGHTS flute playing scene to keep to the mood and mysticism.
I would want something acoustic that doesn't need to be plugged in, even though its a dream and doesn't need to be. Also something that he could easily hold and carry around and incorporated into an interesting acrobatic playing pose. something with recognizable hand motions (not just fingers like piano/guitar) that make the entire playing more smooth and sinister dance like.


Ideally it would be an eerie haunting sound. But there is something appealing about Reala *plucking* slowly notes out of thin air while peering at you and smirking. Also in some places puck,pan or a fairy creature are depicted holding a small lyre/harp. Giving the instrument an "otherworldly" feel.


Posted by Seleste on 17 July 2008 - 03:18 AM in Community Corner

From the 5th element, the beautifully choreographed fighting scene and the Diva.


Also the "rope scene" from The Boondock Saints. but has some violence/language so don't think i can link ='(

#56587 If Jackle was in JOD, How would you picture his voice?

Posted by Seleste on 08 July 2008 - 07:47 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

In JOD I imagine the voice of sheri moon as was played in the movie house of 1000 corpses. the laughter is fantastic, so is the delivery.

the one I always imagined it to be though is the laughter from the NID and the whispers from the mantle soundtrack in the game.

#56004 Want a Free Sketch?

Posted by Seleste on 03 July 2008 - 11:01 PM in Creative Stuff!

I want one too! can you draw me uh well not a fanmaren exactly, but a character from another game with the NiGHTS like hat? please?

<a href="http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/Max...01/enifront.jpg" target="_blank">http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/Max...01/enifront.jpg</a>

#55871 Maren Hat questions and PortConMaine

Posted by Seleste on 03 July 2008 - 03:02 AM in Cosplay Zone

I don't know anything about sewing or anything like that. But infractus is right, there is some help on the internet.
I suggest looking into venice carnaval (just google that), or you can google specific tips like this one i found very fast: <a href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...esters_hat.html" target="_blank">http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...esters_hat.html</a>

I am sure there are better if you look more to get more ideas and tips.
Personally, I would use wire reinforcer to give the hat shape and connect them to the "base" which is a "solid" half circle that goes on your head. But its just me, I use wires (like clothes hanger wires type of) for everything that needs to be bent into specific shape and then use other materials to fill it in and smooth. its my solution to everything =(

without wires perhaps something like http://tatianaring.deviantart.com/art/Jester-s-Hat-77437316

It depends on which materials you use/want to use and how much of a wow effect your expecting and willing to put effort to

like for example of a different route: <a href="http://www.cosplay.com/photo/1510587/" target="_blank">http://www.cosplay.com/photo/1510587/</a>

just throwing ideas out there.

#55840 And The Winners Are...

Posted by Seleste on 03 July 2008 - 12:24 AM in [ARCHiVED] Events, campaigns and news

I thought the video was fantastic! very funny ^^
congratulations to all the winners!

Would love to see more NiGHTS related videos from you sometimes in the future.

#55725 If Jod had better graphics

Posted by Seleste on 02 July 2008 - 12:44 AM in [ARCHiVED] JOD Discussion

Seeing as it was released on the Wii, the graphics aren't meant to be the selling point (thats for 360 and ps3), and having them be spectacular would be fantastic, but wouldn't boost the sales by much (especially since gamers know this already).
Also I thought the JoD graphics were really good scenery wise. It was so pretty.

It is of my personal opinion that the game did right by releasing on the Wii and not the other systems because of the VC (but they never implemented it! after the marketing mistake of *not* releasing the original game with the sequel only with upgraded graphics as one "bonus package").

What I think would've boosted the sales is trimming the cut scenes a bit or taking most of them out (and erasing the voices in favour of sounds and speech bubbles like in super mario galaxy. Would've worked fine without messing with the ambiguous gender concept). The cut scenes are a major turn off for the majority of new players. That and uh... the character remodel of the villain, reala. Make it campy and bizaare, but I cannot see that appealing to a lot of male gamers, heh.

I don't think that 'alternative' or 'different' gameplay is a problem. most people *are* looking for innovation. It's just this time around this game didn't really offer that. They could've, for example, made more use of the wiimote gesture features and made NiGHTS perform aerial tricks of various sorts and in different orientations with a swing, turn or shake of the wiimote (in addition with the precision control of the nunchuck, only mentioning this because of the gameplay videos I see uploaded on youtube none made use of the yellow ribbon or performed ANY aerial tricks at all. It's like "guys? you do know there are a bunch of these things exist, right?") Stuff like that, there are possibilities that could've made this game more inventive. As in not basically repeating the old one.

I guess what I really hoped for from the game is for it to be a darker (but not less colourful) version with a different story line (and since the sequel came out there is a place to redeem themselves with a third game in a different direction and perhaps changed gameplay. the hardcore fans might look at it as too much "not the NiGHTS that we know" but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. all about trying new things rights? especially since JoD was kind of exactly the NiGHTS that we all know.

But I digress and offtopic ><