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Murasaki Doku

Murasaki Doku

Member Since 23 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2009 03:31 AM

NiGHTS on U.S. National Television

28 November 2008 - 11:26 PM

I don't usually pay much attention to the news. I was sitting here on the couch when I looked up at just the right moment to see THIS!:

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This story appeared on my local evening news. The story goes like this: A father and his son were separated seventeen years ago and they managed to find each other on Myspace. You can read more about it here.

Congratulations IX and Chea on being reunited, and thank you for your subtle advertising!


19 July 2008 - 02:29 AM

In a little less than two weeks, Hartford will be the gathering place of geeks! This isn't just an anime convention, but geekery in general--anime, sci-fi, board games, videogames...we'll even be graced by the presence of Robert Picardo and Ethan Phillips, known best as the Doctor and Neelix, respectively, from Star Trek: Voyager. There will also be Tim Buckley (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and Scott Ramsoomarsomethinglikethat (VG Cats)! Oh, and I'll be there too, cosplaying as NiGHTS. ;D

So, how about it? Who's coming?

NARSi's Art

26 June 2008 - 03:00 AM

...well, I don't feel like I get enough input on DA, so I figured I'd start this up.

And comment please. Please please please please comment.

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Not much to say about this one...yes, it's NiGHTS. It's my design.

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OMG TREE! First tree that I've drawn that I actually like. I was gonna do leaves, but I thought snow would be more appropriate. You can see the beginnings of a series of rings...I didn't finish them because I realized, HOLY sh!t, these things are hard to draw.

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Spanish class doodles.

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I figured it was only fair to give Reala a redesign. Notice the significantly more feminine anatomy--I've always hated that everyone just assumes Reala is male while NiGHTS has an open-ended gender identity. He's also blind in his right eye. How? Well, this ten-minute doodle is one theory:
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But I'd like it to be up to your imagination.

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Whilst struggling to come up with a redesign for Reala, TRAViS suggested to go the armor route. Which I did. I don't think I'll use it in the future, because it's not particularly fun to draw...but it is pretty good. ..sorry for the unfinished hat.

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Blame TRAViS for this one. Or blame my art block and asking him for suggestions. Whatever floats your boat. Third "panel" is a reference to an above picture.

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...TRAViS and I have the most interesting conversations. Pardon the epic failure in the lower left. Oh! And a bit about the hatless pose: It seems pretty popular belief that what marenhats contain is horns. BUT I DON'T THINK SO. So that pattern you're looking at is the structure of his outer ear. Think...conch shell.

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Because I'm a dork. I still don't feel like I did NiD justice...in my defense, this was the first time I drew NiD version.

My mother is dead.

05 May 2008 - 07:43 AM


Probably no one checks the timestamps on posts, but it is currently 3:36 in the morning for me. And tonight marks the fourth time my mother has died in my dreams.

How do I conquer this? I have too much stress in my life to deal with already; I invite sleep and dreams into my life as they reduce my stress, but more often than I'd like do I have dreams that compound onto real-life stress.

Not only are these dreams stressful, but they're traumatic too. Such an overwhelming feeling of loss and helplessness and fear...and that is only multiplied when, in real life, I tell my mother I had that dream, and she laughs. As if it's nothing. But when it's happening, it feels so real.

I want them to stop...but how?


28 February 2008 - 10:43 PM

what did I ever do to deserve this ;-;

Anybody else have this happen to them too?