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Member Since 10 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Mar 31 2017 09:44 PM
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Wow it's been a long time, hasn't it? I'm really different. I wonder if I still even fit in here?

You still fit in Also I'd like to let you know that I'm back. Sorry for such a long delay. I've posted in Shadows of Nighopia so I'm back on track.
Mar 29 2013 04:29 PM

nightdreamer → TORiAS_the_fallen
I still have my RPG "Shadows Across Nightopia" up and am waiting to continue. I hope you're doing alright and I'll hear from you soon.
I still have my RPG "Shadows Across Nightopia" up and am waiting to continue. I hope you're doing alright and I'll hear from you soon.

TORiAS_the_fallen → andersam
>< I know. I've dropped off the face of the Earth again. But I'm glad to be back.

andersam → TORiAS_the_fallen
Haven't see/heard from you in awhile man! Good to see your doing well!

TORiAS_the_fallen → Level 99
^^ I think you're liberal interpretation is a good thing. If the tracks were too much like the original it would get boring.

Level 99 → TORiAS_the_fallen
Aww thank you SO much! That track is quite old now but I appreciate the kind words about it. It's a liberal take on the theme to say the least ^_^

TORiAS_the_fallen → Level 99
Ah, I meant to tell you how much I loved your track on the FFIV album. I'm smitten with that game... the guitar work... stuns me (sorry, my spelling skills are lacking today).