Keiji Inafune announced today via his blog that he will be leaving his position at both Capcom and Daletto at the end of the month. Inafune is currently CEO of Daletto and (deep breath) "Head of R&D Management Group and Consumer Games R&D Division and Contents Management Division" at Capcom.
As reason for his departure from Daletto, a Capcom subsidiary that handles online games management and business, Inafune wrote, "Work as a CEO requires speaking about your dreams and evaluating your subordinates. If you can do these two things, anyone can be CEO. I've always thought that, and I still do. However, I can no longer do these two at Daletto. I've lost the authority to evaluate my subordinates and the qualification to speak about my dreams."
Quoted from
So, what do you think?
Will the Mega Man series be the same without him? What about Legends 3?
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