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Member Since 05 Mar 2019
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2019 02:08 AM

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams TCRF Article

03 August 2019 - 05:43 AM

Hello, NiD.com. I frequent TCRF (The Cutting Room Floor, a database for datamined and otherwise unused or cut content in video games) and noticed that Journey of Dreams is suspiciously lacking an article. I know from my days on here long ago that JoD is probably more cut content than actual game due to the mid-development port to the Wii. It doesn't seem right that those things are lost to time, despite JoD being mostly forgettable.

Does the old Journey of Dreams datamining thread still exist, and could I convince anyone left here to help me transplant that info to TCRF? I wouldn't be surprised if it was lost, it has been a long time since finding all those unused animations and mission intros.

Thanks in advance.