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Member Since 06 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2011 01:12 AM

In Topic: Um Excuse Me...Some Questions About Getting NiGHTS Into Dreams

12 January 2008 - 10:51 PM

Hiya,could you people help me?Okay,couple of questions.
1.Is there ANY other place to buy the game besides Ebay?
2.What price does it usally go for?
3.Is controlling the SEGA Saturn hard?
4.Since the game is old,will it be normal if
it freezes...I don't wanna get cheated you know.
Please answer...thank you. -_-

1. trading forums, but honestly, just buy it on ebay its the safest/best way.
2. between 20-30$ for the jewel case edition.
up to $40 for the longbox complete
you can prolly snag the box set new with analog controller for like $60, it's honestly the best deal.
3. its easier than the wii, but not that easy.
4. why would it freeze? I don't understand why you'd ask that. old games don't freeze.

haven't you asked all of these questions before anyway?

In Topic: Finding JoD a pain in the arse to play with the Wii's analogue stick? Che...

07 January 2008 - 01:48 PM

I'm thinking of trying to make some sort of project box to use the original saturn analog controller on cube, it may be a little clunky...but it just might work. details to follow.

In Topic: The sleeve

01 January 2008 - 11:28 PM

$50.00 is a bit much for the NTSC U/C version of the game. I picked mine up for $15.00 a few months ago on ebay. They seem to go for about $25.00-$40.00ish at peak. Although JOD may have caused a price spike.

Anyway- the NTSC-J version goes for about $3.00 - $10.00 normally.

In Topic: Finding JoD a pain in the arse to play with the Wii's analogue stick? Che...

31 December 2007 - 09:18 PM

Has anyone done this with a gamecube controller?

In Topic: Sega Direct PS2 NiGHTS pre-order page

27 December 2007 - 03:24 PM

Oh if I only had $75~ Do doo da doodle do~

But that IS nice. What pins are they speaking of? I don't see them...

oh, it says badge set, I just assumed that meant some sort of pin.