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Drawing. Dreaming. Day-Dreaming. Graphic Design. Hardcore Gaming. Anime. Music! <br /><br />Now that I got those out the way. Nothing else in particular lol
So I was thinking to myself. You know Peter Pan and NiGHTS are somewhat similar. So I also wondered what would happen if they both got into an argument. This is what I came up with:
I'm planning on adding Tinkerbell and a little Nightopian glaring at each other in th background. >.< I'm discouraged because my scanner is crappy. But I do have a graphics tablet and should be able to fix it up more <.<
I'm still working on it. You can follow my progress on my DA account
Utada Hikaru
Ayumi Hamasaki
Leah Dizon
Koda Kumi
NaNa Mizuki
Olivia Lufkin
Crystal Kay
Tommy February6
Mika Nakashima
Namie Amuro
Jebus xD lol Thats alot of people. Maybe more but these are the main artist I listen too So what about you?
Hi everyone. I'm not really that good with introductions... So where do I start... Well of course I like NiGHTS thats why I'm here lol. I also wanted a reliable source to keep up with the new NiGHTS.
What else. I love graphic design and anything in art. I also like music as well and currently wrapped in the world of Jpop music (Japanese Music) I like meeting new people and sharing interest with them. I'm also shy too... but since this is a forum there is nothing to be really shy about lol
Uhhhh.... Oh hmmm... I guess thats it then lol
~.~ PS don't take my signature or I will saw off your hands...