Looks like I was right about the Pinball Table design (Yay me!) The Nunchuck controls sound cool. But I still can't imagine how the Wii remote would work alone. I don't know what to say about the Persona Masks. I didn't like the sound of them when they were first introduced. Maybe they will be more like a temporary power-up, like when NiGHTS had the Yellow stunt ribbon.
I don't want NiGHTS as a girl. I was hoping they'd keep him/her genderless. Maybe the female voice will sound like how NiGHTS did in the first. However, maybe NiGHTS spoke in Japanese and we don't have the English voice actress yet. I know NiGHTS has different images/reputations in different countries. So maybe in Japan s/he'll have a girlier, higher voice, as I think TRiPPy said, in Japan, NiGHTS has a 'Cheeky' kind of image. But here maybe NiGHTS will be more uni-sex.
Questions for the informant: I think some people have all the main stuff covered. I'm dying to know what the music is like. Music is such a huge part of NiGHTS. Hopefully also you'll be able to get some screenshots or pictures from the Sega booth.
I'd like to know how stunts work too. I thought maybe A and B would be used to perform stunts.
You fly through rings for more time? So the gameplay's been changed from Collecting 20 Chips and getting them to the idea capture then to the Palace as fast as you can?
Thanks for the info, keep us informed.
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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Aug 13 2008 09:21 PM