^ To put things in perspective, the total donations to the charity for Day 3 were exactly $150, and $70 of that was during charilie playing and the two of us commentating. We've also been asking for cash to run a "bonus" stream of an unscheduled game after the stream's normal 10 PM EDT end time, and the quality of what they saw that day plays on their decisions, so charlie may even have influenced a bit more. While all of the main NiGHTS games have already been streamed, we'll have All Stars Racing and Shuffle (where if I remember, I'll change Lumina to NiGHTS) coming up over the next two days.
I can't thank charlie enough for the help and for singing well before I did -- his red ideya is clearly bigger than mine.
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Member Since 08 Aug 2012Offline Last Active Feb 15 2013 12:56 AM