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I Am Imaginary

I Am Imaginary

Member Since 17 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active May 17 2013 09:50 PM

In Topic: Introducing Oneirus: The NiGHTS Into Dreams Card Game

29 December 2012 - 06:32 PM

As a matter of fact, it was intentional. The way that the rules and cards currently interact on that point causes Characters to attack only once per turn, except if using more expensive Attacks.

Ah, I see. I suppose I'm just used to games where when a character is spent they remain so until your next turn.

In Topic: Introducing Oneirus: The NiGHTS Into Dreams Card Game

27 December 2012 - 05:21 PM

This is very exciting, I can't wait to start playing! I've been in the TCG scene for years and this seems pretty well thought out. Of course it will take some test playing to get it fine tuned but you have a very solid base here. There is only one thing that I found strange. It was stated in the rules that attack events were the most common cause of a character being spent, however the restore spent characters step immediately follows the play events step, effectively restoring all the characters you spent immediately. It seems a bit odd to even have to spend them in the first place when that effect would be immediately undone. Was this intentional or am I simply misunderstanding the ruling?

PS: I'll see what I can do as far as artwork goes for you. ;)