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Member Since 12 May 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2008 11:58 PM

NiGHTS Visual Novel

06 October 2008 - 12:00 AM

lol hi!
Jaymer here and I return with news on an upcoming small project!!
Well, I recently got into scripting.programing visual novels and it came to me:
Why not make a NiGHTS visual novel!!
If you don't know what a visual novel is, wiki it (I don't have much time for detail, very busy right now)
I'll add more infomation later, I don't have much time right now.

~Jaymer to all the NiGHTS fans out there.

PS: I'll need background sprites from the game, lofl.


16 May 2008 - 07:03 AM

Hello Everyone~

I'm Jaymer, I'm Australian (lulwut), and I L.O.V.E NiGHTS.
I've played NiGHTS into Dreams and Journey of Dreams (NiD... is so much better)

Glad to be here~